
Thursday, January 9, 2020

I Like Thursday: Flakes and Scraps

Last week flew by!  I thought I'd have nothing to write about, but found several photos I took during the week that made me smile.

I like this little stuffed guinea pig my mom gave me at Christmas.  It had a clip to go on a key chain or something.  It was too distracting to hang from the rear view mirror and my "new" car has such a big empty dash.  I found some velcro tape and voila!  I have a cute little traveling companion.

I walked into the kitchen the other day and laughed at the toaster oven saying "Hi" to me.  Rob had recently used it and the last setting had not cleared off the display.  I don't care - the idea of the oven saying hi to me just makes me laugh.

The snow on Monday was so pretty to watch.  It was beautiful fluffy flakes. 

I've been enjoying my cleanup projects.  My crumb pieces were big enough to cut apart.  I have at least 40 hexies that now need batting and backs.  Those will keep me busy for the rest of the week.  I have another 15 string blocks in the works and my selvedge pile has finally dwindled.  Curvy string blocks are up next, and then onto an applique quilt for my aunt.  Should be interesting!

That's it for the week.  More to like over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. That "Hi" is a riot!! [My toaster oven is mute lol], Adorable little key chain...
    and i LOVE your crumb blocks..I need to make a few more for Jan's RSC green color...
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. Good Morning Sally! I just adore your new traveling companion. And it would crack me up, too, to have the oven saying "Hi" as I came into the kitchen. Hello to you as well. I hope you're having a nice, warm day. HAHA! Yay on the string blocks - just seeing the pile go down is worth the effort. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. That's a lot of cleanup projects. Love your companion in the car!

  4. Your kitchen window is so much like mine! Love the guinea pig for company in the car. Little things matter! Love the crumbs of course and will be interested to see what you do with applique.

  5. Love your little guinea pig companion, and the Hi on the toaster oven. So funny! Your crumb blocks are beautiful, too. Do you have a plan for how you'll use them?

  6. The view out your window is so pretty! And I love your little guinea pig. My mom got a little stuffed plushie mouse to mount on her pottery van dashboard after some less welcome mice ate all the electrical wiring from underneath. He was her little protector!

  7. the snow here is rarely falling, it blows sideways. I like falling snow and yours is pretty. Your quilt is a "walk in the snowy woods" abstract and beautiful. Your car has a mascot now.

  8. Love your little guinea pig! The snow looks very pretty from your window. I'm thinking of making a string quilt next. I have to use up these darn scraps!

  9. The hi is funny, and the traveling companion makes me smile just looking at it. Pat Broe shared a link about a scrapbuster challenge.

  10. Love your little guinea pig! The "Hi" makes me laugh too! Have fun sewing and cleaning up scraps!!! Have a great week!


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