
Monday, January 6, 2020

Scrappy Wall

It's time for the after-project clean up:  putting away the thread, sorting the leftover fabric, then the after-project projects.  I'm still working on the crumb hexies - there's enough to create another 30-40 of those.  There's a lot more strings to continue my curvy string blocks.  My selvedge bag was overflowing and then some.  Shiplapped was my last selvedge quilt.  I had picked a new selvedge block pattern (even made my own template) but only recently bought the black to use in the center.  So I have spent the last few days diligently putting a dent in my pile of selvedges.  Or at least trying to.  The pile on the floor looks as big as it did a week ago.  But I have 15 blocks started.

I am very pleased with my design wall!  I threw up some scrap batting and started sticking blocks to it.  I need to sort through my scraps of batting at some point and organize this better (and eventually take down the two quilts hanging behind the batting).  But for a quick-and-dirty test, this is great.  I really like how the selvedge blocks are looking (on the left) and some of the curvy blocks in a column on the right.

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