
Thursday, January 2, 2020

I Like Thursday: It's 2020

Happy New Year!

I am getting a head start on my winter weight.  I usually gain several pounds by the end of February... I'm just about there already.  Just take one look at this week's likes and you'll see why.

I made these Chocolate Caramel Pretzel Bars last week.  I have been experimenting in making caramel because I never remember to buy some to have on hand.  This batch turned out to be more of an adventure than I expected, but overall these turned out nicely.  I still have more pretzels - so I think I'll make them again.

I also made these chocolate figs.  They're stuffed with ganache, then dipped.  Oh, my!  The recipe came from a chocolate cookbook my ex gifted to me years ago.  It was a delightful surprise.  I've not tried many of the recipes, but it's my tempering bible.  The book automatically flops open on how to temper chocolate. 

I have now ordered a new pastry bag after the mess I made trying to pipe the ganache into each fig.  I've made notes so next time should be easier.  Because there will be a next time - these were a hit at Game Day.   

I've had some time to play (not just cook and eat).  My poor Scupley name tag is once again broken beyond repair.  I decided on a smaller version with a pin on the back instead of magnets.  I really like the magnetic ones, but this shouldn't get bumped off when dancing.  I'll make another fabric one that can be magnetic; it won't shatter if it falls on the floor.

Our family cookie party was last Saturday.  Several of us swapped cookies; a few built gingerbread houses.  Look at all the candy for decoration!  There was lots of food and chatter, too.  It was an entertaining afternoon with extended family.  My sister joined me for the long drive to my cousin's house, which made the day fly by.  It's been lovely to spend a large chunk of time with her this last week.

A dancing friend I haven't seen in a few years dropped in on Sunday.  She noticed I had some old store-bought placemats on the table.  I said I hadn't gotten around to making a set of my own.  I never needed them where we lived before.  Well, she happened to have brought a tote stuffed with quilting projects, which included these wonderful place mats.  Love the colors!  I will enjoy using these.

We had a quiet New Year's Eve, but spent the next day playing games.  Learned how to play Azul.  Watched another card game called Anomia that looked really interesting.  I hope to get a chance to play that at some point.  I've missed having regular game days and this was such a treat.  It was wonderful to catch up with some people I haven't seen all year.

I hope you enjoyed your start to the new year.  I'm sure there are more New Year festivities over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Your goodies always look delicious - especially those pretzel bars! Chocolate plus salty and crunchy - yum! Love your new nametag and the placemats are great, too. What a sweet friend who had just what you needed!

  2. Oh those chocolate figs look amazing--my Mom and I always made peanut butter stuffed dates rolled in sugar for New Year's yummy....hugs, Julierose

  3. oh if only I were closer... we love to play cards and have no one here yet. Your figs!!! We watched several seasons of Great British baking show recently and they always make ganache, and temper chocolate (oh those mirror glazes) the home made caramel sounds lovely. I made those wonky stars once, very fun and nice housewarming gift to receive! along with a nice visit.

  4. Hi Sally! Stuffed figs . . . I would LOVE to try one. I like figs . . . although I can't imagine all the fussiness of making these. I don't think you shared a recipe, but how did you get in innards out of the figs? Did you buy them that way?? And I have to pipe in about caramel - one early morning (3am or so) I was watching Julia Child and a guest chef. They made caramel from just regular sugar in a frying pan. I am certain you can see a video on YouTube, but in essence they put sugar in the pan, stirred it constantly and it turned into caramel. At a more reasonable hour, of course, I had to try it myself. I think I used it in some cookies but it was the easiest thing I ever made. From plain ole' sugar. Anyway - Happy New Year. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Oh your goodies look awesome. The placemats are wow. I miss having a game day. My ex husband I used to play cards or cribbage all the time.

  6. I've had such an unusual percentage of sweet stuff in my diet for the past week, I am craving salad! But your first picture made my mouth water anyway :)
    LOVE the placemats!

  7. Gosh your post made me hungry! Those figs looks amazing!!! Those placemats are wonderful what a wonderful gift! Have a wonderful New Year!!!

  8. I love anything chocolate and your chocolate figs look amazing! My diet has been so crazy over the holidays. I have to get back to normal soon. The placemats are such a thoughtful gift. Happy New Year!

  9. All those goodies are so yummy Looking! I never heard of stuffing figs with figs and buy them fresh when I see them. This sounds very special and a family Cookie Day is a wonderful idea. Love the blues in those placemats. Hope 2020 will be the most wonderful year for you.

  10. Oh, yes, winter can be a "weighty" time, what with "hibernating" and "comfort food" literally "hand in hand"! Your treats look lip-smacking good. And aren't you the lucky woman with those new placemats!?!


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