
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Flipping Flippers

I spent a chunk of Sunday carefully ripping out stitches around turtle flippers.


I had added batting just around the bodies of the turtles, but felt they didn't have quite enough definition.  Some trapunto tutorials suggested using two layers of batting.  So I cut smaller pieces, just enough to cover the shell and a little of the neck, and whip-stitched those into place.  This looked great!  But the near-side flippers looked too flat.  They needed a single layer of batting like the head.

So out came the seam ripper to very carefully pull the threads of flippers (and a couple of tummies).  After a few bad words, I have the flippers back in place with a single layer of batting.

You can't really see it, there's a nice curve.  I know it will be more defined once they're quilted to the backing.  I know I'll be happy to have taken the effort to rip out and re-stitch the flippers.

I've cut the borders.  Once I put those on, sandwich it up, I'll be ready for the final quilting.  Have some ideas of what I want to do with the borders.  Then the last decision is how to bind it.  I'll get a feel for that once the borders are stitched on.

Sharing with:
Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?


  1. Those turtles are causing a little angst BUT how amazing they look. Nearly done now.

  2. Yes, I can see the agony. But you wouldn't have been happy with it as was …

    It is always worth it in the end!

  3. I admire your patience and perseverance. Your turtles are looking great!


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