
Thursday, February 27, 2020

I Like Thursday: Recovery Time

We had some beautiful weather over the weekend and Rob took me up to High Ledges for a walk.

It doesn't show in the photograph but we could see Mount Greylock in the distances.  This is overlooking the Deerfield River and Shelburne Falls.  (We could even see the Bridge of Flowers that we'll need to visit when it's in bloom.)

We hiked very little of the sanctuary.  Next time we must explore more.  It was so good to get out for some fresh air and sunshine.

The next morning we headed out for my big adventure:  having my thyroid removed.  Thank you for all the well wishes.  I had been fighting off a cold last week and was worried it would postpone the surgery.  This had been in the works since November.  The thought of punting the date?  Please, no.

But it's done.  And I'm recovering.  And I am grateful for that.

I like February's picture on my calendar (Willow and Pippin).  At some point after being hooked up to a bag of lactated ringers (Rob asked: isn't that what you gave the pigs?) I wondered if I was going through karmic payback for trips to the vet.  I had veins that refused to be punctured, bent a needle so my IV stopped working.  I caused consternation in prep (tried to throw up and pass out at the same time).  I certainly felt like Wedgwood looked when she got out of surgery.  I had bits of gauze taped all over my arms by the time I left the hospital. 

Did I mention I'm grateful to be home and done with it?

Daffodils!  So pretty, but I suspected they contributed to my pre-surgery snuffles.  So they were banished to the sun room (I admire them through the window).

Made progress on the turtles before Monday.  I'm hoping to be up to working on them again before the weekend.

Lots of napping, a fair amount of TV watching and reading (more than halfway through The Long Way Home).  Looks like another day or two of the same.

I'm sure there are more entertaining likes over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Looking forward to more normal things next week.


  1. Hi Sally! I'm so glad that surgery is behind you now. That's quite a talent, to throw up and pass out at the same time. I'm certain your nurses were thrilled to see this talent expressed in you. Oddly enough, my niece had to have her thyroid removed in late January. I hope your scar heals nicely. Try to lay low and gets lots of rest - your body is craving it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Sally, I didn't realize you were having surgery. Get well soon! Sending you lots of healing energy and hugs!

  3. I am glad your surgery is over and you are in the recovery phase. Hope you heal quickly and it is successful.

  4. I am laughing, because you are certainly not an easy patient, I kind of resemble that too. Glad things went well and you are on the mend, get lots of rest. Pretty Daffodils, and man that is a gorgeous pictures of the hike.

  5. So glad to hear you're past the surgery and home again. I hope you have a cuddly soft quilt to wrap up in just like your guinea pigs did. Reading and napping are some of my favorite things, so get lots of both!

  6. Hi Sally--so glad you're home and recuperating. I love all your stories and pictures. I had my thyroid removed three years ago. So if you have any questions or feel like chatting let me know. This is Heidi--I bought the lovely fabric bowls from you a couple years ago. Wishing you a speedy recovery and sunny days!

  7. Sally, I'm so glad to hear your surgery is over. I hope you're back to normal soon. Resting and reading sound perfect!

  8. Wow Sally, I'm so happy for you to have that operation behind you. And it sounds like a rough time for sorry about that. But r and r is now an enjoyable and earned thing. Heal fast!

  9. Brave girl. Hope to see you soon.

  10. I like that you've shared this with us, Sally. I send very warm wishes for a quick and comfortable recovery!

  11. I wish you a speedy, uneventful recovery Sally. I'm glad you're home and on the other side of the surgery.

  12. So glad you are home and enjoying a restful time :)

  13. Very glad the surgery is done. That's a particularly nerve wracking one. And somehow hearing your surgeon's done HUNDREDS of them doesn't help, since she hasn't operated on yours yet!

    Rest, get well.

  14. You sound like you're going with the flow, easy doing, a good way to heal back to health. Sending you best wishes. :-)


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