
Saturday, February 29, 2020

High Ledges

The weather was warm and sunny on Sunday - so Rob brought me out to see the view from High Ledges sanctuary.

Much of the snow has melted around the house, but the ground at the sanctuary was all covered.  It was an icy walk from the car - we should have grabbed our yaktrax.  The trails were all soft snow, though, so it was an easy hike past the gate.

We passed this massive, gnarly tree.  Branches all twisted and turned.  Rob posed with the lowest branch.  Arm around it like a chummy friend?  Or getting a good grip to pull it over?  It almost looks like he has the branch hefted on his shoulder.

The view from the ledges was beautiful.  Another hiker pointed out Mount Greylock way in the distance.  Rob showed how the Deerfield river snaked around below us and asked if I could find the Bridge of Flowers (I could!).

I was intrigued by this circular loop of wood.  I'm guessing it was roots from a toppled tree? Regardless, I liked the shape and texture of the weathered wood.

There was also a lone fireplace up there.  I enjoyed inspecting its construction: the finished stones that would have been indoors and the rougher stonework that was outside or under a floor.  Rob remembers the cabin that stood here.  It' couldn't have been very big, but oh! what a view!


  1. That little cabin which once sttod there would have had the best view. How fabulous to walk in your neck of the woods and drink in all that spectacular scenery.

  2. Looks like a lovely walk I could drink in the views a good long while, I think. Love the chimney and the stories it could tell.

  3. A spectacular hike! I enjoyed imagining, for a moment, the lives that went on in that cabin. Are you allowed to light fires in that chimney?


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