
Monday, March 2, 2020

Turtle Sandwich

Borders are on!  I've basted the outside edge, stitched in the ditch around the inside border and stitched around the turtles.  I'm hoping to put on the freemotion foot and quilt more today.  I even have the binding selected.

But I'm not sure how I to quilt the borders. 

I was going to do something seaweedy, but didn't like my original designs.  I keep toying with these wavy designs that I'm not sure I like, but can't seem let go of.  I will be playing with more seaweed designs.  Hmmm... or maybe just do something on the inside border and leave the outside unquilted.

Always an adventure.

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Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. Your quilts are always a most wonderful adventure, Sally! LOVE these turtles and those fabrics together are pure heaven. I know why you can't leg go of the thought of seaweed idea.....I rather like the thought of seweed quiltig on this quilt.

  2. Well, those turtles look wonderful! I love the blues and greens of the background and borders, and the bright colors of the turtles. I'm sure your quilting will really enhance the whole design.


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