
Thursday, March 5, 2020

I Like Thursday: Getting Better

A little of this and that for this week's likes.

I have great friends.  Several cards arrived (the birds on the far left are stitched thread!).  One showed up in a box with banana bread.  Recuperating has some perks.  (Thanks, all!)

Speaking of that - every day I'm getting better.  The tape is off.  I'm amusing myself by saying I escaped being killed on Midsomer Murders (DS Ben Jones can save me anytime).  Wanna see what I look like?

I have even started walking.  I can't wait until I can get back in my old routine.

Rob picked up doughnuts on Monday.  Check out this chocolate cream filled.  Now that is a filled doughnut.  And it's not that awful sugary stuff like at Dunkin's.  Don't get me wrong... this is so bad for me.  But it at least tastes chocolaty.

I've been checking out some of the quilts on other bog posts from Quilt Con.  I am particularly impressed by one called Intersections by Rachaeldaisy Dodd over on Amy's Creative Side.  So many little pieces, and amazing how different each arrangement looks.  That type of creativity just blows me away.

I'm plugging away with the turtles.  Although I am dying to try one of the wavy designs, I finally doodled up some seaweed patterns that I like.  I plan to put them on the borders.

Thanks for dropping by.  There's more of this and that over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Wow you are lucky you were saved on Midsommer Murders with just a tiny knick. Get well. Awesome cards, and love your drawings for your water.

  2. Hi Sally! Your scar looks nice and healthy and small considering the surgery. That is one filled donut! Holy moly - and it looks yummy. Love how your turtles are turning out, and your doodles look like they will working nicely in the borders. You'll be back to full speed very soon. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Glad you're getting better and back to normal! I bet you're itching to go dancing. That donut looks yummy, and I think you deserve something like that right about now. We haven't watched Midsomer Murders - sounds like we should give it a try!

  4. Best wishes on a quick recovery! Sweet friends and cards. Love those turtles

  5. Prayers for a quick recovery!

  6. I think you deserve the doughnut! It will help you recover! Your scar looks good. It will get better with time. Your turtles are looking good! Love the doodles!

  7. Crikey, that is SOME doughnut!
    I'm glad to hear you're recovering so nicely - bet you'll be back to Full Speed Ahead soon :)

  8. Glad you're improving! And that really does look like a delicious donut. My favorite are maple or jelly filled, but I gave up all takeout/fast food for lent and sadly that includes my donut place! I hope you enjoyed it!

  9. Oooh chocolate cream doughnuts. That's something I have yet to try. :-) Best wishes with your healing.


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