
Thursday, February 6, 2020

I Like Thursday: Exploring and Playing

Caught up with a friend over the weekend.  We got a chance walk at Coggshall park in Fitchburg.  It was too icy to tempt some of the trails, but we walked around part of the pond.  I'm looking forward to visiting in the spring.

On the way back to the car, we stumbled across this free library encased in what looked like a patchwork grandfather clock.  We liked the sign:  There's always time to read.  My friend pointed out the lights on the little old camper.  Cute!

I pulled out my Singer Graduate to stitch together batting.  I plugged it in to wind a bobbin and it started smoking?!?!  I unplugged it, checked it out.  Nothing looked amiss, but its days must be numbered.  Sitting a year at a time between uses probably isn't helping.

After the rough start, it hummed right along.  The results are some seriously scrappy batting.  I have two large pieces that may even be large enough for a throw quilt.  The really scrappy chunks (shown here) will likely end up in wall hangings or mug rugs.

I got a chance to stitch together a little rope bowl before putting the Graduate back into the closet.  I finally have a clean table in my sewing room!

This is the latest layout of my curved strings.  I may stick with this one and sew it together just like this (no sashing).  It's stacked up and set aside for now.

Speaking of scraps - my bag of scrap fabric made it to a new home.  I posted on Dakin's volunteer page and someone said it would make perfect rat nests.  So he gladly took it off my hands.  Yay!

That's it!  I have not had a chance to do as much sewing as I'd like this week - but had fun cooking and got a chance to get some necessary housework out of the way.  Maybe sewing this weekend?  One can hope!

There's always some neat projects being worked on - check them out at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Hi Sally! Your curved string blocks look fabulous in the layout you shared. It will be one fine looking quilt! Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I love that - "there's always time to read!" I agree. Your curved strings are looking great! Sorry to hear your Singer isn't doing well. I have an older Singer - 70s vintage - that was my first sewing machine. I haven't used it in a long time, but should probably get it out and give it a spin just to see.

  3. What a neat walk. Is that a gazebo I spy across the pond? Neat lending library. Love your curved string blocks.

  4. Interesting that we both were stitching bits of batting together this week. I hate to waste it and I think it works just fine.
    Neat little library. I've been checking out rainbow quilts trying to figure out how to arrange those flag blocks of mine. The possibilities are endless which overwhelms me. Love these curvy strings.

  5. I love that stringed quilt. It really reminds me of art. I can't wait to see the finished piece! Singer smoking? Yikes! Can you take it to get checked over? I hate to lose any good machine so it might be worth it! Have a great day!

  6. Your curved blocks remind me of the beach in that pattern you chose. Cool. Love the free library.

  7. Your blocks of curved strings are sooooooo cool. Another something to write on my of things I want to try.
    One of these days I want the Husband and me to put up a Little Library. That may be enough to fulfill my longtime fantasy of owning a bookstore.

  8. It sounds scary to see your sewing machine smoking! Hope its okay! I love your curved strings. There's such a nice movement to your blocks. Love the free library! Such a great idea!


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