
Friday, February 7, 2020

Orrery Scrap Bowl

Before I put away my zig-zag machine I made a little coil bowl.  This is from the skinny scraps of my sister's quilt.  These scraps were too small to sew together as strings, but too long to toss out.  I hate chucking out fabric.

(My latest bag of scrap is getting a second life as colorful bedding for someone's pet rats.)

I like the colors.  It's not even 3" across on the bottom, barely 4" at the top, and just 3" tall.  I plan to offer it to my sister, since it will match her quilt.  But part of me just wants to keep it myself!  I'm sure I could find a use for it - there's always little bits of something around the house that need a container.

Sharing with:
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle & Thread Thursday
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I get a Whoop Whoop?


  1. Those bowls are so great! I like the blues and yellow/golds you've put together, Sally.

  2. how cute! I like miniature things, and you saved the color! Hooray!!

  3. That's such a sweet scrappy bowl :)
    I've often wondered about the opposite big you can make these? Just curious!

  4. Lovely little bowl and interesting curl finish! Blue and yellow are great colors together.


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