
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tiny Turtle

I've taken the plunge.  I cut apart paper pieces Thursday night.

I worked on the littlest turtle first.  I figure he'll be the most difficult since some of the pieces are so small.  If I could get him assembled properly, then the rest should be easier.  Plus, if I totally botched something with the smallest turtle, there's plenty of fabric to redo. 

I ironed together the outer eye, mouth and undershell.  It was only after putting them together that I felt courageous enough to cut apart the 10 outer shell pieces.  And the itty bitty inner eye.

Not bad!  Okay - lessons learned.  Next turtle I want to do the shell pieces before the undershell.  I'm not happy with how the undershell shifted (I'll debate whether to redo him).  The paper adhered too much to the inner eye and I really had to scrub and peel it off.  Maybe peel off the freezer paper prior to ironing?

I purposely cut all the shell pieces on the inside of the lines, which I'm happy with, but the body should have been cut on the outside of the line.  His chest ended a little narrow than it could have been.  I can always trim more of that once the turtle is all put together.

His flippers and feet don't look like much because the still have the paper on them.  They don't get glued in place until he's attached to the background.  That will wait until the other two turtles are assembled.

Now that I've gained some confidence, it's time to iron fabric, cut out shapes and assemble the other two turtles!

Sharing with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I get a Whoop Whoop?
Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. LOVE your turtle! LOVE those fabrics! It looks as if you have landed squarely on your feet after taking the plunge. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. =)

  2. great fabric choices. These are really pretty!

  3. It's going to be fun to see your turtles emerge from all the little bits and pieces!

  4. The first cut is always the hardest … I agree with LeeAnna - the fabric choices say "ocean" to me!

  5. Perfect fabrics for your beautiful turtle.


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