
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Guess Who Came to Dinner?

And stayed.  And will continue to stay for at least four weeks. 

Meet Bugsy and Pumpkin Spice.  They're a pair of 7-month-old boars.  Goodness, I'm fostering boars.  And teenagers.  Eek!  They better behave or into the stew pot!  I do not want to be dealing with two cages.

Dakin asked for fosters as they're shutting down due to the coronavirus.  I volunteered days ago and really wasn't sure if I'd get asked to help out.  But just before 1:30pm yesterday, I got the call.  Could I come in to pick up a single guinea pig?  I was in the middle of a work meeting, but promised to come in soon after.  By the time we got on the road, they had contacted me again and said it wasn't one but two guinea pigs.

It had started to snow by the time we left.  Rob was not happy, but graciously drove us down and back.  Dakin told us to pull up to the front door and stay in the car.  A person came out with a carry case (along with a cage and accessories, which I declined).  I was glad for the minimal contact and being outside.  All I took was the carry case and sheets of paper with the piggies' names, ages and a health checklist.

Snow and roads got worse.  The photo is from the drive home.  But we made it home safe and sound.

Mixed feelings - I'm glad to be helping out.  A little overwhelmed as I pulled up the cage and stuff from the basement.  Worried about having had any contact (even though it was just one person who was near me).  You know, because I could totally go down that path:  what if we get sick?  Who will take care of the pigs?  And boars?  What if they fight?  Hay back in the house - how will that affect my lungs?  One could lose their minds with that.  All these ramifications I didn't think when I said "yes" to fostering (including not having any pepper or pig lettuce in the house).

Instead I'm focusing on:  Youngsters!  Tiny sharp nails!  Pointy little noses.  So. Much. Talking.  They didn't say boo the whole way home, but they hardly shut up last night.  They're hilarious.  And fast!  I tried picking one up this morning; Rob laughed at me while unsuccessfully tried snatching Bugsy.  We'll see how this goes!


  1. Wishing you luck! Over got a 1 1/2 yr old and a 4 yr old boar, and the youngster started making so much trouble I had to put a divider in the cage. And now they are both constantly trying to get back together, even though they know it won't go well. 🙄

  2. It's horrible that we have to be afraid to even leave the house or have contact with anyone, but I'm right there with you. But now you'll have some entertaining pigs to keep your mind off the other!

  3. I relate to everything about this post, Sally - I haven't blogged about Piper's recent 5-night sleepover guest - a sweet 7-month-old collie - and I probably never will! I hope all goes well with your guests and you have a lot of joy in having them there :)

  4. Oh my! You have a heart as big as Texas! Be careful; they may win you over by the time we get through this crisis. Take care, and stay healthy!

  5. Good luck with your new house guests. Stay well!

  6. Have fun with the boys. Keep us posted on your guests' stay.


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