
Thursday, March 26, 2020

I Like Thursday: Bad Pig Stew

This has actually been a good week for me, as long as I don't go down the rabbit hole of politics, economy or social anxiety.  Let me share some of the fun stuff.

My calendar this month has a photo of Willow, Pippin and Bertie - the trio that really got me started with blogging.  The photo comes from the story of Bad Pig Stew.

Speaking of piggies - I'm fostering a pair of boars I picked up on Monday afternoon.  They are cute!  I've pulled out the tripod to see if I can get some good videos of their goofiness.  And I've already threatened them with said stew pot. 

Unlike so many people stuck at home, I'm still working.  So no extra time for me to clean or craft.  Nonetheless, I had planned to dig into my project backlog.  I've made some progress before I ran into problems.  I started working on a Christmas IOU before realizing I didn't have enough fabric.  That's on hold until the fabric arrives (which may be a while).  I finished up my cleanup projects (more hexies).

My current project is a cover for my sewing machine.  I'm discovering that me and kits don't get along very well.  I have my own ideas how things should look or be assembled that doesn't agree with the instructions.  This dust cover looks a lot different than the picture.  Ha!

Next up is possibly making face masks?  I haven't gone through my elastic stash yet to see if I have what's necessary.  I have plenty of good cotton fabric, though.  

Technology!  I'll be trying out my first telemedicine visit today.  That's not really going to work when I need some blood drawn, but should be fine for the doctor to check out my scar and answer some follow-up questions.

One last small like:  I was grateful to go shopping on Tuesday morning to a mostly-stocked grocery store with a sparse population.  Missing a few provisions, but between getting what we needed and not facing the stress of crowds was most welcome.

I hope you are all hanging in there.  Be sure to visit I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color to see how people from all over are coping with staying at home.


  1. I am thankful for Zoom which is a meeting app. Our church started it and we did Bible study last night for it. It was nice. The store I work at we are now a 8am-10 pm and closing overnight, so things are getting stocked at least. So since I am still working I am sewing a little, selfish sewing to relax a bit. Great likes

  2. I read your post about the foster boars! They are super cute and I hope they don't cause you too much trouble! Thank you so much for helping out! Hang in there and I hope spring comes soon!

  3. Hi Sally! Aww, that pot full of piggies looks so cute. I'd love to see the videos of the boars. Yippee to a mostly stocked grocery store with few customers! I actually was able to get a can of Lysol spray at the store! Chris uses it to spray Andrea's backpack after she gets home from the hospital. It says in the mudroom but we don't need any germs near the babies. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. I had my first brief "travel" in 13 days yesterday - groceries (sadly crowded and many empty shelves) and pharmacy (drive-up to pick up scrips, yay!) - and was happy to get home. As long as the animals stay healthy, I'm okay with another session of "quiet time" and I should probably try to be even half as productive as you, Sally!

  5. I had a FaceTime chat with three other quilters this week. It was great fun, since we all live miles apart, and not all of us have met face-to-face. I've decided to quit buy kits for now, I don't always want to make what everyone else is making. That quilt project is looking really good! I like how the hexies have frames of solid fabrics!

  6. Cute picture of those pigs! I love your hexies - they are looking better and better as the collection grows. It really amazing what can be done online these days - definitely something to be thankful for!

  7. I love that photo of the three little pigs. I have in mind to make hexies someday. Will I live long enough to do all I want to! We have been staying in, now week 2, but have to venture to Walmart to pick up an online order. We'll see how that goes. With Hubby's age,we can't take any chances.

  8. we haven't seen a stocked grocery store for a month. We get a few items that are left to keep going. You have new piggies! Yea! PLEASE send pics! My email that received blog notices, stopped working so I missed some posts. I tried making a kit, what a fiasco. The tuffet pin cushion. Mine looks very Becky=home=ecky

  9. What a pot of cuties! We went to a different grocery store today and found a decently stocked store sans TP and alcohol or hand sanitizer. Hubby had been at a different store yesterday and they were out of way too many things. Sigh. At least we could eat for several weeks. But a TP alternative?? I shudder to think of that!

  10. I liked your comment about quilt kits, when I used to just sew quilts, quilt kits were not so friendly. I switched to needle-turn applique about 10 years ago and haven't looked back since. Back to quilt kits, for applique the 1st 8 years were great. Plently of extra fabric to allow for setting the applique on the straight of the grain, now not so much as most pre-cut are mostly not on the straight of the grain (machine appliqueur's) and pre-stabilized. I've found out I'm allergic to some of the iron on stabilizers. Dang-nab it, another allergy, but that's another story. On the kits, lately they tend to be too precisely measured, to not allow an oops if you miss-measured. Even shops I swore by and would recommend to friends. The shops who allow you to do your own cutting, charge more. I tried needle-turn applique with a kit that was precut, didn't work out so well. I'm going to stick with my own fabric, much easier. Love your blog. Keep up the good work. After you finish your hexies quilt, you might want to give Cathedral Windows a shot. I'd bet it would be right up your alley.


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