
Friday, March 27, 2020

Singer Cover

I received a kit for a sewing machine cover at Christmas.  It's for a Singer Featherweight, which I don't have.  But I could really use one for my Singer 15-91.  I rarely fold it into its cabinet.  But a cover?  I'd be more likely to throw that on the machine in between projects.  (For the few times it sits still long enough to collect dust.)

So while I'm awaiting my blue fabric (and as I debate about making masks) I threw this together.  I really liked the fabric that was supposed to be inside for the cover.  Which was great - because the outside featured a picture of the Featherweight, which I wasn't so interested in.  I also preferred the black fabric to the red for the top and sides.  I flip-flopped sides and binding, assembled most of it inside-out.  I never follow directions, do I?

I think it looks handsome with black, white and red trim.  The original instructions would have had me fussy cutting those lines of black to make a binding.  Seven seams on that bottom binding?  I think not.  I'm much happier with the red binding (and only one seam).

This was the panel that was supposed to be on the outside.  Cute - but not my Singer.  And as you can see, it wasn't wide enough to fit over my machine (that extra beige on the left side).  So it would have looked funny if I had used this as the outside of the cover.

Quick project.  Onto the next!


  1. I love your cover! The fabric is adorable. I like the black, white and red together. I made one for my longarm and it comes in handy!

  2. Cute cover for a Featherweight, never seen a kit like that before. Shame you didn't have one to use it for, but you have made good use of the kit and it looks great.

  3. It's an adorable cover! You did a great job and it looks like it fits perfectly! Well done!

  4. Your take on the cover is fabulous. I have a Featherweight and I don't particularly like that panel. Yours is much more attractive. Good for you for breaking the rules, or should I say doing your own thing. Someday my Featherweight will get a real cover instead of the fabric I quilted and bound but didn't like the little holder it made. Yea! for a finish and one that works for you!


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