
Sunday, March 29, 2020

Fast Learners

It's been a long time since I've brought home a pair of guinea pigs.  Bugsy and Pumpkin Spice have adjusted amazingly fast.  They discovered how to get to the second level of the cage their first night over (evidenced by the plethora of poo left behind).  They figured out that I couldn't be all bad by the end of the second day, because I brought treats.  By Friday afternoon, they knew where the kitchen was and started wheeking for treats.

I am in so much trouble.

Being here agrees with them; they've already gained 40-50g apiece.  And like any growing boy, they are bottomless pits.  A new box of hay arrives on Monday.  Pellets should last a few weeks before I need to face going to the store.

Zoomies.  It's a thing.  Be sure to hit mute if you don't want to hear Midsomer Murders in the background.  But I enjoyed listening to the ka-thunk as they jumped on and off that second level (which is why I didn't remove the sound).

They both do a little kick every so often as they jump to the second level - never seen that before.  Whee!  This did this for nearly 10 solid minutes.

The frame for the third level of the cage is visible, but the ramp has been pulled up like a drawbridge.  I'm waiting to see how they do with two levels and how daring they tend to be.  I do not want any piggy taking a flying leap from up there.  Additionally, they get in each other's faces every day.  It hasn't escalated, but I am nervous about a real scuffle.  A third level is NOT good if fights break out, but the extra space may help keep the peace.  So if things are still stable by the time I clean the cage, I will install the third level.

Alas, no floor ramp.  We did not rebuild that when we set up the cage.  Any floor time will be strictly supervised on our schedule, not theirs.

I've pretty much gotten back into the swing of things.  Give these guys another day or two and they'll be ruling the household.  Well, as long as they don't try killing each other first.  <sigh>


  1. Oh, these guys are cute! Lots of energy! :)

  2. You watch Midsomer Murders too?? Me and my husband always laugh at the fact with two or three murders every week, there will be no inhabitants left in the town of Midsomer. Bugsy and Pumpkin Spice are adorable. They obviously love being there with you.

  3. It's like perpetual motion - so funny! I hope the boys remain peaceful (enough) and there are no piggy fisticuffs :)

  4. So pleased you have piggies in your life again! I have always kept boys together and have done for many many years. The trick is to let them work out their pecking order...they need to do that to establish an amicable relationship. Yes there might be the odd skirmish, but they do then settle down.

    They are certainly having fun!

  5. Hello! It must be so fun to have piggies in the house again. They are adorable and so fun to watch. Thanks for sharing! Keep the stories coming. They are so lucky to be living with you--you take such great care of them.

  6. I never get tired of seeing that! They are just so fast and silly!

  7. I almost have Hubby convinced we should get some guinea pigs (again). We are not traveling anywhere these days (guess why), so our reasons for not getting pets is out the window! Thanks for sharing this adorable video!!!


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