
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Mortimer & Friends

The turtle quilt is finished.  The best part is - I get to enjoy it on my wall for a while before delivering it to my aunt.  Bonus!  It looks quite nice on my wall....

Isn't the backing fabric interesting?  I added pockets and mini sleeves in the back so it can be hung by a dowel (although - now that I think of it - I should ask if my aunt would prefer a full sleeve).  Since this was a kit I decided not to make a full label.  I did add a little one with name and date in the lower left.

As I said in earlier posts - not a ton of quilting.  Look carefully and you can see some of the waves (and the turtle outlines).  I managed to get a photo with shadows, so the seaweed on the border pops a bit.  Up close the green thread of the quilted seaweed shows up; at a distance there's just an impression.  I think it goes well with the leafy outer border (which I decided not to quilt at all).

The quilt needed a wee bit of squaring before I bound it.  I should have re-squared as I added each border.  In addition, the whole thing shifted more than anticipated during quilting.  I think the extra batting under the turtles was the culprit.  I pinned a lot, but only around the outside of the turtle.  I think I needed to have pinned inside the turtle, too.  They have turtlenecks (strictly by accident).  A few sections of water threatened to pucker, but I managed to ease them out.

This was a fun learning experience, between the raw edge applique and adding more batting under the turtles.  I am quite pleased with the result, and I'm sure my aunt will be, too.

Sharing with:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. This aunt sure likes it!😁💕

  2. She's going to love it. Thank you from a nonquilter for pointing out the details of the stitching.

  3. What a wonderful gift! Love the turtles and the backing fabric, too!!!

  4. I think your turtles turned out wonderfully! So much pretty color and movement. What a special gift for your aunt, Sally!

  5. LOVE those gorgeous turtles swimming amongst that fabulous batik fabric! This quilt is such fun and so very beautiful. Your aunt is going to love her quilt. Well done, clever lady!

  6. It's nice that you get to enjoy it for a while - so pretty! Love the colors :)

  7. It's gorgeous! Your aunt will love it!

  8. Your turtle quilt is really, really lovely. I'm glad that you will enjoy it before it goes away to it's forever home :-)

  9. Wow, these turtles are fabulous. What a wonderful finish. I'm sure it will greatly enjoyed!


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