
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Yet Another Name Tag

I really like my fabric name tag, but it turns out the pink and grey don't have a lot of contrast and can be hard to read.  I love how my latest Sculpey name tag turned out, but it's a pin, and I really miss having a magnetized name tag.  Time to make another one!

This time I made sure there was strong contrast between the name and the background.  I picked a bunch of fabrics for the background, then narrowed down the color for the letters.  This time, I took photos of the fabrics in black-and-white before assembling it, to make sure the letters would stand out.

I used freezer paper to trace out the letters, sprayed the back of the fabric with adhesive, then carefully cut them out.  The middle of the "A" was a challenge!  Background fabric was stitched together in a herring bone pattern.  I first stretched the fabric around an old round metal button I had.  That would have made using a magnet so easy.  Looked nice, but was bigger than I wanted.

I still had one small piece of card stock.  I drew a few ovals on it before hit upon one I liked, then glued a piece of yet another old name tag onto the back.

Positioning the letters on the background took some time with a pair of tweezers.  Then I ironed them into place.

Once that was all put together, I glued and stitched the fabric to the card stock.  The fabric bunched up quite a bit on the back.  It was tough to trim it back enough to make sure plenty of metal was exposed.

I really like the colors.  I keep coming back to blues, greens and purples.  I should really try one in just black and white.  Rob's name tag is black and white and goes with everything! 

These have been fun, quick little projects.  A little sewing, some gluing, some imagination how to make all the pieces work.  It's addictive.

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Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making


  1. that's clever and pretty. Aren't the dances cancelled?

  2. With small projects like this, it is a blessing that they don't take much time. With each one, you learn a little more and they keep getting better! The spring colors are very fetching!

  3. Live all those colours together. Such a pretty tag.


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