
Monday, April 20, 2020

Switch Case Top

Lots of progress on the Switch carry case on Saturday.  I spent a good chunk of time of the day stitching it together.  I basically got the entire outside done.  I had a hard time putting it down.

My goodness, though, I make a mess.  At some point I was wading through foam, fabric, pattern pieces and guts of the old camcorder case just to get to the cutting table.  I was constantly digging around for my chalk or pencil or scissors.  I nicked my rotary blade because I ran over a pin that was hiding under the fabric.

To say it was a sewing frenzy was probably an understatement.  I started at 7am; finished the last big hand stitching some binding 8pm-ish.  There were breaks in between - a walk, tea, snacks, dinner, a little surfing online. 


Everything I needed was somewhere on that table....

I attached the pouch to the front of piece of the case, then sewed together front, back and sides.  I glued pieces of plastic to the front and back to give it a bit of stability.  Next up was assembling the lid.  I replaced the black strap with blue (but kept the neoprene handle), sewed all that through the top fabric, batting and a piece of plastic.  I liked the mesh zipper pocket that had been in the camcorder case, so I stitched that to the gold inside fabric and stitched that to a layer of batting, too.  I SWEAR I had marked the center of the piece correct (photo below shows the mesh pocket centered), but when I cut the top down to was shifted to the right.  The first of several botches.  It adds character.

The lid has a flap - blue and red outside with red binding, gold and velcro on the inside.

Next up - finishing the lid and constructing the insides.

Sharing with Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making.


  1. Wow, what a fabulous job you are doing with the Switch carry case. I laughed when I saw the jumbled table. That happens to me all the time and I can never find what I want even though what is needed is somewhere in all the mess. I am enjoying the progress reports on this project. It looks as if there is a lot of tricky sewing in this case.

  2. That looks like quite a project! What an accomplishment it will be when you're all finished, though!


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