
Thursday, May 21, 2020

I Like Thursday: Sewing and Sunny Weather

I've been sewing a lot of small projects lately.  It's been nice!  Some of them had been pushed to the side as I worked on Golden Orrery.  Others belong to my long-term cleanup projects that I always pick up between the bigger quilts. It's been great catching up and making progress on things.

In the process of shuffling my design wall, I was reminded that this quilt needs a home, to be loved and used.  I love it (especially the back of it, oddly enough), but never intended to keep it.  It's sad sitting on the shelf and has languished too long on Etsy.  Would you like it?  Know of a charity that will use it?  Message me.

I really like the pillow I just completed.  This is the back of it - you can see the front here.  I mailed to to my mother; it arrived yesterday.  She loves it.  Even Dad was impressed with the quilting.  See?  Happy quilt at a happy home.  I like that.

And it feels good that she got the pillow, since the HST side originated from little scrap triangles I trimmed from her quilt. 

I got to go kayaking again last week (and last night!).  The weather has been good - I may try to get out again today.  Not too warm, not too windy.  The trees leafing and the birds all around.

I am not looking forward to wearing a mask in the summer.  It was hot work hauling the kayak down to the water with the mask on.  But once we were on the water and far enough apart I was able to remove mine.  Something to be mindful of as the weather gets warmer.

It felt so good to be out.  Fresh air.  The company of my sister.  Ahh...

I was intrigued by this little cabin across the way from where we launched the kayaks.  It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time, yet the metal chimney was shiny.  My sister says it's only accessible by boat.

The magnolia down the street is in full bloom.  It's very picturesque with the old barn behind it.

I love my chair mat!  And it looks great in my office.  They polyurethane smell is still quite strong.  So it can't stay in there full time, or I get a headache.  I'm hoping it will finish airing out soon!

That's the likes for this week.  Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post so much! How nice to get out on the water...I'm envious. Your quilting is beautiful and that pillow turned out so well! Tree blooms are always joyful it seems. I wonder if you put your mat out in the sun for a while...maybe that would help the smell dissipate.

  2. Your photos of kayaking are lovely - so peaceful! I have been wearing a mask to play golf with friends and walk with a friend. It's definitely not comfortable, but hard to decide if I could/should take it off. Glad you are finding time to finish up some smaller projects!

  3. Hi Sally! I think Tidal Pool is a lovely quilt. I am 100% certain that someone will love to receive it. Your kayaking photos look so calming and peaceful. I can just feel the tension floating away. That is one spiffy chair mat! ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Oh my- that kayaking looks so peaceful! The pillow is so cute. I’ll bet that magnolia tree smells wonderful!

  5. Your quilted pillow is beautiful! We ALL love it!

  6. Kayaking is the perfect activity for this weird time. I love the chair mat. Your pillow is gorgeous!

  7. The pillow is lovely. Kayaking looks fun and soul soothing.

  8. Great likes! Love your quilt and your pillow is fabulous! I love that you've been kayaking! It must be so peaceful! Have a wonderful week!

  9. Tidal Pool is a pretty little quilt. I'm sure you'll find a good home for it, whether it is given to a charity or given to someone specific. Your pillow is very fun too. I've never been kayaking, but have several friends who enjoy it. When I see abandoned cabins or homes, I always wonder what stories they could tell. I hope we don't have to wear masks forever.

  10. I feel like I could write a story about that cabin picture, set a whole novel around it. Kayaks sound like a good way to keep safe distance while being out. No chance of people riding by on bikes, or in golf carts like here. Magnolia trees... how pretty. Masks are going to be hot, they are here already but since we're the only ones wearing them, it's my only hope of keeping other's out of my airstream.

  11. What a sweet little building by the water. How fun to go kayaking and enjoy the company of your sister and sunshine. The quilt is amazing. I knew your mother would love her is beautiful.

  12. So how big is that little quilt? I'd love to have it if no one else has asked for it.
    Other than that, a lot of animal shelters, including the one you fostered the "pigs" from would probably love to use it in their next fundraiser. Being someone who is stuck in bed, I do change my lap quilts when I have a chance. I'll see if I can take a picture of the ones I'm currently using. One blocks the draft from the dining room ac, the other keeps my legs warm and was a challenge quilt, i.e., we were tasked with making a quilt out of a bit of fabric that wasn't selling at our local quilt shop. We all came up with very different ideas mine was based on a log cabin quilt with yo yo's scattered about it. I had a blast making that quilt. Log cabins are a particular favorite of mine as is needle-turn applique. I did get off the original topic of this weeks' post. As for the rest of your blog this week, I loved it as usual. I always enjoy your adventures, be they something quilty or the other ways you enjoy your life. I look forward to next weeks' post.


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