
Saturday, May 23, 2020

More In-Between Sewing

I've been cutting out fabric for masks every time I have a chunk big enough for the pattern.  So not mass producing them, but I'll have more on hand if anyone asks.

I have finally settled on two patterns that I like (that are a mashup of at least 5 different patterns I've found online).  I also purchased some hair elastics to add as ear loops.  These masks also have ties, since that works better for some people than the ear loops.

I have found so many tips and tricks to mask-making.  One of them is to cut up old Tshirts to use as ties.  I put this shirt to good use - by slicing half-inch strips across the shirt.  The knit curls up when stretched; looks just like a cord.  Plus they have a bit of give, so when I tie it on the first time, I can put it on and take it off without retying it each time.  Nice!

Three more masks done.  But now that I have elastic and ties, I plan to do more.

When I quilted the pillow, I also added a bit more quilting to a mug rug I assembled last month.  Originally I simply stitched in the ditch.  It needed something more.  I like the little leaves around the edge.  I was concentrating so much to stay in the border, I missed the fact I could have also quilted the pattern into the middle on the corners.  Oh, well.

I have a dozen or so crumb hexies in the works.  When those are done, I will actually have enough to lay out the quilt.  I can't believe it.  I've been making these hexies since late 2015.  I didn't think I'd ever make enough.  This means I'll need to dream up an new crumb project.


  1. Lovely quilting on the mug rug and the masks look great. Seems so strange that everyone up there is wearing masks now. They are not really seen down here.

  2. I've used strips from t-shirts for earpieces for masks, and we really like them! Cute mug rug - I like your tiny quilting on the edges.


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