
Thursday, May 7, 2020

I Like Thursday: Time On My Hands

We're going to start out this week's likes with a throwback: Bertie and her hay rack.  This is this month's calendar photo.  This little guinea pig was a character and we ended up in a battle over the hay rack (I didn't want her in it, but she loved sleeping in it).  The love affair lasted over a year, and eventually I lost.  She was the most stubborn, determined little guinea pig I ever had.  You can read about the beginning of Bertie's love affair here.

It has been a very full week.  Be careful what you wish for....  I had wanted more time off from work.  I got it by way of a layoff.  I can't tell you how many layoffs I've survived over the years, but not this one.  Ta-da!  I have more time to do the projects around the house (once I deal with severance, filing, looking for work, etc).  Not happy it's in the middle of isolation.  However, this is the kick in the pants and the opportunity to make the changes to my life I've been thinking about for a while.  Unsettled but hopeful.  I can work with that.

The yard has been blooming!  It's a field of bluetts out there right now.  Very pretty.  We have some daffodils and I'm looking forward to when the irises bloom.

As I was filling a watering can, I took a close look at these little green plants in the yard.  The shape of the leaves remind me of a quilted rose block (like these).  So itty bitty.

While digging in the garden this guy jumped up next to me.  I had to move him elsewhere - he was in the way.

I like these daffodils down the road.  They're striking with the bright orange centers and the white outer petals.

I like that all the ferns are coming out as well.  It's amazing how much they've grown in just one week.  I enjoy watching them unfurl.

It's truly spring - the little efts are crossing the road again.  The photo just didn't capture how his spots just glowed!

I'm so thankful for my tablet as the libraries are still closed.  Just finished As You Wish and Glass Houses.  I also discovered there's more places to find free books (if you're looking):  ManyBooks, Project Gutenburg, or Open Library (looks like it's part of the WayBackMachine - which I love).

I pulled out the kayak for the first time this season.  Kayaked with my sister (at a safe distance) on Tuesday evening in the pond behind her place.  So much fun!  Tried out the new life preserver, which was amazingly comfortable.  Really glad I spent the extra money for one that was kayak-specific.

While I was there, I picked up my finished floor cloth.  The quilt for my sister was it was in trade for this hand-painted canvas desk chair mat.  It's currently in the sunroom to air out (the top coat of polyurethane is quite pungent).  The tab at the top goes under the desk.  I'll have to take another photo after it's installed so you can see.  My sister painted it like a mosaic - each piece individually.  Crazy?  The texture is incredible. I LOVE the colors.

Whew!  As I said - a lot in one week.  And this is just one of many posts - check out other good things happening over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. That is a lot! My hubby is furloughed as well. Just be warned it takes weeks to get your unemployment processed! Love the mat, love the frog and I had never thought of sedum like little roses but you are right!!!! I'll never look at sedum the same way again, thank you! Have a wonderful week! It sounds like you are keeping busy!!!

  2. Oh no, Sally - I'm so sorry to hear you were laid off. That is such an unfortunate side effect of this virus. Glad you are hopeful, and hope you have good leads for a new job. Bertie is adorable, and sounds like she was quite a personality! Love all the flowers blooming!

  3. Prayers your job hunt goes well. It is sad you are laid off. Your positive attitude towards your future is refreshing.
    Beautiful floor cloth!

  4. Hi Sally! I'm so sorry to hear you've been laid off. It sounds like you have a good attitude about being off. You've have some cute projects you're working on. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Sorry to hear about your layoff. OMG the video with Bertie is too funny. So many great likes. The floor cloth is fabulous!

  6. gosh I came over last night and forgot to leave a comment! that eft! pretty! And the new painted mat is too... so exotic. You'll see it daily. You have a good attitude about the layoff... I admire that. I do not like most change either but this is a moment in time, history in the making. You are a good writer and it would be interesting to read about your day to day life after moving, losing a pet, and then losing a job in all of it. Spring is all around you isn't it?

  7. The floor cloth is gorgeous! Your sister is very talented. Enjoy the spring and the flowers. So sorry about the lay off, hopefully you can find something new quickly.

  8. That's a colorful salamander! WOW! And I love reading books on my IPAD and check most of mine out from the library as ebooks. Sure makes it fun and easy! Have a good weekend!

  9. I'm going to check out those other book websites. I'm sorry you were laid off. It sounds like you're going to keep yourself busy! Beautiful floor cloth!

  10. Sorry to hear about your layoff, but it sounds like you are embracing it.

    You know I love guinea pigs, so the pictures of Bertie kept me absorbed for quite a while. But then I saw the eft, and I was bowled over. But crossing the road? No!!!!

    Man, that floor cloth is stunning! What talent your sister has!


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