
Monday, June 8, 2020

Full of Flowers

The "spot removal" project is coming along.  I cut a pile of leaves.  Initially I was going to simply turn the edges and sew them in place.  No matter how carefully I ironed the edges were choppy and angular.  I decided to sew a pair together and turn them right side out and was much happier with the results: uniform and smooth. 

So the leaves are a bit heavier with the extra fabric.  I toyed with tacking them down so the edges would pop up.  In the end, I straight-stitched them all in place.  This top is for dancing.  If too much sticks out, it's likely to get snagged.

Next up are the flowers.  There's two different styles.  One is folded geometric shapes (I found this tutorial).  The second are called kanzashi flowers - from folded, gathered fabric.  I made a load of both - they've been a lot of fun.  It also made me realize, my stash desperately needs a set of primary colors.  Somewhere along the way I used them all and never replenished.

At this point, I'm finalizing placement, figuring out which buttons look best as centers, and trying to figure out how to attach the flowers so they'll survive contra dancing and the washing machine.  The kanzashi flowers are my favorite but the folded flowers can be sewn flat to the tank top, which will be sturdier less likely to catch.  So I'm placing kanzashi flowers up top and folded flowers around my waist.  Likewise, I'm trying to place the flattest buttons to the folded flowers, but we'll if that works in the long run.  Not that I'll be testing this outfit any time soon.  But that's the plan, anyway.

It's loud and boisterous.  I worry that I've gone overboard (the back is just as busy as the front).  I love it.  I hope I don't look like a dork wearing it, but I still love it.  I just need to figure out how to sew those kanzashi flowers in place. 

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Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle and Thread Thursday


  1. how pretty and feminine! Great way to make your clothing unique

  2. There's only one you, so go ahead and be you! It's very pretty.

  3. How pretty this has turned out, it´s going to attract the bees :-)

  4. Your top turned out beautiful. If you're looking for a set of primary colors, try someone who sells fat eights. Or ask around whatever groups you belong to, there may be someone who is downsizing their stash.

  5. Dare I say - that our age, who cares what everyone else thinks? Go big!!! I love it and I want to know where you are going dancing - I will come!

  6. If you love your fabulous shirt then you must continue. I love your wandering vine of kanzashi flowers. You will be the star wherever you go wearing this fabulous creation.

  7. I'm so glad the back is as busy as the front! It's lovely.


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