
Thursday, June 4, 2020

I Like Thursday: Lots of Green and Purple

So, wow, this has been a rough week for our nation.  Just when you think things can't get worse?  I don't have anything I can offer in that direction that hasn't been better said by at least a dozen different people. Instead, here's a small slice of every day-ishness.

The garden continues to bloom.  Many plants I recognize; a bunch I'm unfamiliar with.  They're all beautiful.  At some point I need to pull the weeds I can identify, but there's a lot of plants here I'm not sure what they are.  I may invite my sister to come over to point out the good from the bad.

So many irises!  Lots more purple, with a few white and pink (magenta?) ones thrown in.

My goofy metal birds blend in so well, they're almost invisible.  They stood out when I first placed them in the yard a few weeks ago - I will have to move them again.

We have baby bunnies (we call them micro-buns or mini-buns, depending on their size) in the yard.  I spent most of Sunday afternoon tripping over them.  I never saw them until they darted away.  Love to get photos, but they've been too quick.  Zoom!

There is a beautiful patch of vinca (periwinkle) down the street.  The photo shows the lovely green, but not all the little purple flowers.  I would love to establish a patch of this somewhere in my yard.

It's a new month with new calendar pinups.  My wall calendar features Pinniped for June.  Behold, the double wide and that non-stop nose.  Also the many sides of Pinni

My little Cavymadness desk calendar also happens to feature on of my guinea pigs:  Wedgwood with blackberry lipstick.

Ah, yes, some good memories.

Every time I work on quilting projects, I set aside any extra fabric that's big enough to cut masks from.  Masks have become another of my cleanup projects.  I'm currently using hair ties as ear loops and T-shirt strips for ties.  I would like a larger supply of tin ties (Rob can only drink so much coffee at a time).  But I designed these masks to allow removing nose band, so a single tin tie can be used for an entire set of masks.

My latest sewing project is embellishing a tank top (to hide a spot).  I've now made several kinds of flowers and am experimenting with leaves.  I should have enough pieces to try some different layouts by the weekend.

I have been enjoying our garden.  I wander around during lunchtime, in between classes and job searching, checking out what is growing, listening to the birds, watching the hummingbirds and scaring the bejeebers out of the mini-buns.  Very calming.  I planted some tomatoes, squash and kale over the weekend, and I haven't killed them yet.  Go me!

That wraps up this week.  I'm linking up with I Like Thursday over at Not Afraid of Color.  Should be a smattering of different kinds of posts over there, if you need a change of pace.


  1. Just look at your garden of beautiful. Those goofy birds are sweet.If I was a wee little bunny I would run among the irises, too.

  2. Hi Sally! Your irises look beautiful and they really are hiding the metal birds quite nicely. I wonder what happened to my irises - none came up at all. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Your flowers are beautiful, and I love the bird sculptures! Glad you are keeping the veggies alive at this point - me, too - that's always something to celebrate. The pig photos are hilarious! It's amazing how many different colors, shapes, and varieties of guinea pigs there are.

  4. so many irises. Lucky you. Yep you have to kind of wait and see what might be in that garden during a first year. That's exciting kind of. Love those bird sculptures. You forgot to mention peni's lipstick... what color is that? "capering pig"? "girls just want to have fun?"

  5. Oh those irises! I love those metal birds! Vincas are one of the few flowering plants that thrive through 115 degrees here so we love them. Your garden is so inviting-wish I had those tomato plants. Enjoy!

  6. The irises here are in full bloom too; yours are gorgeous. We just said today that we should plant some for next year. We had them in our Alberta home, one stunner, deep peach with almost-black frilly edges. Lots of bunnies here too, though not micro ones, though compared to Alberta's jackrabbits these are pretty wee! Blackberry lipstick-love. Lots to bring smiles here, Sally thank you.

  7. LOL Mini buns huh? The irises are gorgeous. Love the bird. Blackberry lipstick made me smile. The vinca is lovely too, I think it would be nice in my yard, if I ever get all my weeds pulled.

  8. I enjoyed this post so much. It was light-hearted and funny - just what I needed today! Yes, I had the same feeling of the situation going from bad to worse …

    I laughed out loud when you said that "scaring the bejeebers out of the mini-buns" is very calming! And that you haven't killed the vegetables yet. You go girl!

  9. It's so nice to have a pretty garden and yard to get outside and enjoy every day. And baby bunnies? Oh they must be the cutest! How neat to continue to make masks, they are important! Take care and enjoy your weekend!

  10. PS I love your banner with the Singer sewing machine! How neat!

  11. I'm in love with your irises! Love mini-buns!! Such a nice post today, thank you!

  12. I can see your garden is all about two weeks ahead of mine. Interesting. And baby bunnies...we have only seen the adults here but there must be little ones somewhere. Good luck with the growing now.

  13. Go you! That's a wonderful idea of setting fabric aside for masks. I need to make more. Cloth ties work best for me and the Husband. I finally have a way of using up the bias tape. I wonder if rick-rack might work. Hmm.

  14. Your irises are so pretty to see! Love the purples! My mother always complain about bunnies eating her flowers but I don't seem to have any in my yard. Love the June pinup girl!!

  15. What a fun garden. Love your irises. We have mini-buns too, who seem to know when you have a camera aimed in their direction.


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