
Thursday, June 25, 2020

I Like Thursday: Hot Stuff, Cool Stuff

Lots going on lately; lots to like.

When I go for long walks, I go around the loop at the end of my street.  However, I had not explored the extension on one end.  I didn't know what I'd been missing!  A neighbor told me that not only do they sell eggs, they have baked goodies on offer, too.  I made the trek up there (it's mostly uphill) and checked it out.  Bread and cookies, pastry pockets and muffins; fresh herbs and pretty cards.  And hand cleaner to use if you touch anything.  It was a terrific setup!  I will have to make the hike up there again (in the morning when there's more of a selection!).

Sewing projects are mostly in planning stages, but I did get around to converting an old pile of guinea pig fleece to a set of cozies and pillows.  I plugged in the iron to crease the edges and there was no heat.  Sadness.  I had really looked forward to sewing that evening.  A little trouble shooting and I conclude the plug is shot.  A quick trip to the hardware store the next morning and we have a plug.  I stepped out to water the plants and before I came back in I had a working hot iron again.  Rob works wonders!

While on the subject of maintenance and sewing - I got around to cleaning and oiling my old Singer.  It never ceases to amaze me how quietly that machine runs when it's properly cared for.  It gets noisy so slowly, I hadn't realized it was in need of oiling.  It has been a joy to sew since I serviced it (not that it was bad before!).

It's been hot out!  I dug out the crock pot and cooked dinner in the sun room a couple of times this week.  Keep the heat out of the house!  Moved the toaster oven out there too.

We did take out over the weekend as well.  First time in months.  It was lovely! 

My Christmas/Easter cactus is confused.  It never bloomed this spring, but has managed to produce a few pretty blossoms for the summer.  

While puttering in the yard I found these odd divots near the foundation.  They seemed too uniform to be a dusting wallow.  Rob guessed they're antlion lairs.  Certainly looked like the images I googled.  Don't know - what do you think?  Never knew antlions lived in this area. 

Zoomed with some of the gals from the I Like Thursday group.  It was a nice addition to the weekend.  Also zoomed with my dad for the first time on Father's Day.  He loved it!

Have you ever done lateral thinking puzzles?  I sporadically listen to a podcast called the Futility Closet (I really should listen more often - it's a fun podcast).  This week's episode was all puzzles.  They're fun to guess at and I love Sharon's laugh.

This week I did a bit of weeding, lots of watering, watched mini-buns (they're not so mini!) do zoomies and a big loafy bunny hang out.  Most of the veggies are doing well, except for the kale.  Somebody went snip, snip.  I moved what survived to the front porch. 

I am intrigued by a few volunteers that have popped up in my garden.  PlantNet is guessing they are melon, pumpkin and summer squash.  I'd love it if they survive to fruit to see if the guesses are correct. 

That's it for my I Like Thursday.  Whew!  If I haven't worn you out, there's more at Not Afraid of Color.  


  1. Lovley post, the Chicken Crossing wagon would make a neat jigsaw puzzle.

  2. Isn't that fun, to find the neighbors who are selling eggs and other yummy stuff close by?! I love my crockpot, too - no matter what time of year. Great idea to put yours out on the porch. I loved that you made all those useful items for the guinea pig rescue from your leftover ones - you know exactly what they will need!

  3. we've been doing lateral thinking puzzles for years since Shannon turned me on to them! LOVE. It is what we did on car trips and since we've not done any of those for a long time...anyway thanks for the reminder. Never heard of lion ants so they go along with pestilence, plague, locusts and the other 4 afflictions of the biblical times we're apparently in.

  4. The chicken crossing wagon is awesome. Great idea to crock pot on the sunporch. It is a wee bit cooler in the evenings so I have been opening doors and windows. Ant Lions huh? Not a fan of ants either. Yay for fixing the iron.

  5. I'm late on commenting on the masks, but for a place to donate them besides hospitals, what about homeless shelters or at least groups that help out homeless people?

  6. Great idea on the crock pot. What a great find on your walk. That would make me so happy.

  7. I’m using my slow cooker a lot these days too...great spot you have there for it. I’ve never heard of lion ants...interesting. I enjoy Futility Closet too. Good stuff. Having a handy fellow is a blessing!

  8. You do live in a fabulous area, Sally when at the end of a walk there are goodies to behold. Wish it was too hot in my humble abode. =)

  9. Wow Sally, love that chicken crossing post! Neat find! We are slow cooking or doing stove top cooking, too humid here too! I never heard of antlions and they seem fascinating. Have a great week!

  10. I love that little stand! Is it like our fruit and veggie stands (some have baked goods as well) where it’s on the honour system and you leave your money in a lockbox? Great idea to cook in your sunroom; wish we had one. Very hot and humid here too, had 4” of rain last night and a couple of bad thunderstorms. I too love how my Singers just purr, and yep the sound tells you when they need some oil. So sad I forgot Zoom but next time count me in!

  11. Great idea about moving the crock pot. I should do that! I don't know what antlions are. It's so neat to find that cute little food stand near your house. I'm sure it will come in handy!


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