
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Contemplating the Waves

I've picked up my wavy blocks again.  I had last arranged them somewhat by color along the diagonal.  I liked it, but wanted to try some more arrangements before stitching it together.  Photographs are great - I can always reset what I'm doing!

First I totally randomized the quilt, both with color and direction.  It took a lot of shuffling blocks to unclump the colors... and I didn't like it.  Random was too chaotic.  So I tried clustering similar colors together again, but in columns instead of on the diagonal.  They didn't sort neatly into five columns.  Eh.  I tried arranging the colors like I did with my hexie quilt.  This was better.  I gave that a second try and came up with the layout in the lower right.  Messy, but more interesting than everything lined up on the diagonal.

I liked the way some fabric followed along from one block to the next.  The overall effect was interesting, somewhat unbalanced, and a little busy.  So I pulled the outer edges out, with the idea of sashing it.  I really like this.  But what to sash it with?  Though I think black would make the colors pop, there are several blocks containing black.  I tried some greys, dark and light, but they blended in.  White, of all things, worked best with what I tried.  There is very little white in the whole thing.  Maybe four different color sashes?  Probably not - I want to simplify, not add more chaos. 

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Love Laugh Quilt - Making Monday
My Quilting Infatuation - Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. Those are such great blocks, Sally! Fun to see what you're trying with them. I love the last picture where you've moved the outside edges out to add some sashing. Looking forward to seeing what you decide on!

  2. So many options, Sally. I liked the one on the lower left of your first picture, but of course you should do what YOU like! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Your post is so interesting! I like your blocks and really enjoyed reading about your thinking process! It helps me so much to learn how other quilters make such decisions! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I'd say no sashing, to let the waves blend into each other. I like the layout on the bottom left but I'd orient it so the yellows are farther up -- like rays of sunshine.

  5. Wow. I love the way these look back on traditional string blocks but get elevated to a modern art style by the waviness. They make me think of stained glass. What did we do before digital photos to help with design decisions?!

  6. I like the first picture before they got all jumbled up. They are all great though, hope to see what you decide..


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