
Thursday, July 9, 2020

I Like Thursday: A Colorful Week

So - I knew yesterday was Wednesday, but somehow forgot that that means it's Thursday today.  I had this post half written up last night figuring I had plenty of time to finish it up (including more photos!).  Well, let's go with what I have....

Butterflies!  They're usually too flittery to get a photo, but this one posed long with its wings open to get a good shot.  So pretty.

The walk with my mother and sister went off without a hitch!  We had shaded bike path mostly to ourselves and the weather behaved (the one sunny day of the week).  It was so nice to see my mom for the first time since Christmas.  I handed out more masks, too, which pleased both of them.  Yay!

While crossing a bridge I spied this pink rock under the railings.  "Calm" it said.  I left it there for someone else to find. 

This was a week for wildlife!  Along with the butterflies and buns (which aren't so mini anymore), we stumbled across this little guy on our morning walk.  He was a ferocious little garter snake.  Do you not love the racing checkers on him?  I nearly stepped on him because he was nearly the same color as the pavement.  He was amazingly lively (tried to strike our fingers and shoes), and we eventually convinced him to slither off the road.

We met a bear on this morning's walk!  He was well into the neighbor's yard when we spotted him.  I was rather grateful he was into social distancing and lumbered off the other direction.

I found two different blueberry bushes in our yard.  One that was no bigger than a dinner plate, which had a few beautiful berries, and another much larger bush, which produced sorry looking pinhead sized berries.  Next year, I will make sure the bigger bush is well watered in the spring!

I love these socks!  Look at those colors!  They arrived Monday from Joanne at Thread Head.  Thank you!  Too warm to wear them now, but just the photo of them make me smile.

I also really like the metal birds I purchased from Iron Crow Studio.  I plan to hang the swallows from the post at the end of the driveway (as soon as we replace it... it's tipping over).  A nuthatch will go where I can see it from my office window.

I've been enjoying watching A Discovery of Witches (although only when Rob's not around - he can't stomach it).  Ahh, guilty pleasures.  I enjoyed the books.  I may need to reread them - a TV series never does books justice.  (And I'm in luck - my local library has them!)

So had I had time, I'd show you the tomatoes in the garden, the quilting rulers and fabric I scooped at an outdoor sale (for only $2.50 a yard).  I have been having a hard time getting inspired to create, but managed to pull out my wavy blocks and repaired my kayak this week (which I tested out on Tuesday).  Even got to see some aunts and cousins via zoom on Saturday, which was lovely.  Best part was watching my mother's face on zoom, for this was the first time we got it working for her to see extended family. 

Okay - must post!  Hopefully I won't be so behind next week!  Linking up with I Like Thursday at Not Afraid of Color. 


  1. Great butterfly picture, Sally! I love finding rocks like that, too. Always a fun surprise! How cool to find blueberry bushes in your yard - you can't beat fresh picked blueberries! Glad you enjoyed time with your family this week, in person and on Zoom. That's also something that can't be beat!

  2. we read, listened to discs of all the books and it was mesmerizing! Sometimes really frightening too. Now I have to go find that show!! Your socks are amazing! that little snake! I liked your story of watching him, admiring his skin and shooing him off the pavement. A bear... oy vey! They can run fast.

  3. You saw a BEAR...and a snake? oh my! You have a lot of wildlife to spot when you step outside to walk. I think most of ours are too hot to come out this summer! LOVE those socks. I think I need some too! lol Hugs!

  4. I can't believe there was a bear in a neighbours yard! Just a bit too close for comfort that! But I do like your snake. A garter snake was sunning on the rocks in the back yard and had a very large bulge in his throat! I wanted to take a photo for the blog but I figured some folks would not share my enjoyment in seeing such a thing...except you! Your socks are gorgeous. I must look up a Discovery of Witches. Thanks for a great post.

  5. Nice picture of the butterfly! I would have been petrified if I saw that bear! I'm glad he wasn't too close to you! I love the painted rock. The socks are adorable and you'll love them even more when it gets colder!

  6. Wow! Your snake is super cool looking, I remember catching garter snakes for fun as a kid at my grandparents' place but I haven't seen any in a while. And I'm glad the bear kept his distance! I always love seeing them while hiking (not around here though they don't live here), but better for everyone at a distance!

  7. Hard pass on the snake,, scares me to death. But, I can’t believe the great butterfly photo! That’s a neat “calm” rock. Great post on a short notice. Been there , done that. Lol

  8. Blueberry bushes, hmmm. I'd bet one is native to New England (the smaller berries one) and one was a transplant. There was a story on Chronicle not long ago about the Blueberry place in Maine (I think) about different sized berries and which were native to New England.


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