
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Playing Around

It's interesting how the color and intensity of fabric changes depending on how you cut it.  I had selected five fabrics to possibly adorn my dress, but when the chunks became narrow strips, one fabric immediately fell out of the running and another was knocked down in the list.  I still have four that I am still considering, and which ones I like best now depend on the design.

Next step has been making bias strips of my top three favorites.  I hope to start pinning them to the dress later today to see what speaks to me.

I'm playing with the wavy quilt, too.  I moved a few of the blocks around since the last post.  I had liked the break in the blocks, and decided to try a few variations.  Once again, cutting/placing fabric down to size changes how it looks!  The white I had originally thought I'd run with?  Ick.  I like the layout with no break better than splitting it up with white.  So that's out.

Originally I thought black wouldn't work, but I tried it.  Much better than the white.  Not fond of the hashtag layout I had favored.  I tried several ways of breaking up the blocks.  If I break up the blocks, I like the lower left design best.  It's better in person than in the picture.  However, I may return to the original no-shashing design. 

I'd like to make a decision soon, so I can start sewing (and so I can pick it up off the floor before Rob starts complaining about walking all the way around it).

Sharing with Confessions of a Fabric Addict - Can I get a Whoop Whoop?

1 comment:

  1. Both colors go well with the lavender. I look forward to seeing the progress.


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