
Monday, July 13, 2020

Terrarium Reset

My mother gifted me a terrarium years and years ago.  I lost several plants over the years and tried adding a few, but I finally killed the last of them after we moved.  Forgot to water it?  Maybe not the right amount of sunlight?  It may have just been too old.

I love the teapot, so I did a bit of googling and decided to pull it apart and replant.  The original instructions said the terrarium could be restocked with any outdoor shady plants.  Lots of websites had ideas and advice how to assemble.  I dove in, unpacked the teapot while making note of how much soil, charcoal and pebbles were in there. 

I cleaned off the pebbles and put them back in, along with some of the salvaged charcoal and a handful of new charcoal.  Then some new potting soil (maybe too much?).  Lastly, I tucked in a bunch of interesting stuff I found around the yard.

The terrarium had a few decorative rocks, including a mini cairn.  I even discovered a tiny glass frog when I washed it out.  Cool! 

I found four different kinds of mosses in the yard (and I'm sure there's more!), and added a few little ferns and a creeping bramble. 

I'll be curious how this survives.  I packed it fairly tightly (I remember the original was rather full of greens).  My past transplants didn't always fare well, but since this is a complete reset with new soil, I'm hoping these plants will make it.  If not, I'll try something new.

Fingers crossed!  I'm quite pleased with how it looks.


  1. what a lovely thing to do with a glass teapot! What's the charcoal for?

    1. From what I read, the charcoal helps keep the water clean? To stop growing things you don't want in the terrarium.

  2. Very pretty! I’ve always admired terrariums but haven’t tried it myself.

  3. Your teapot terrarium is lovely. I love that you have such a variety of terrarium-friendly vegetation in your yard. Is this easier or harder to care for than a regular houseplant? My daughter would love a plant in her room, but somehow it never gets the right amount of water. It's always too much or too little...and in the end, we have a dead plant.

  4. Thanks for sharing your story about the terrarium. I have a mini-greenhouse from Ikea that houses what looks like a wandering jew that I inherited from a former co-worker about 30 years ago. Now that it's in a safe environment (where the cat can't get to it) it's thriving. It even flowers every once-in-a-while. The only plant in my house that is not fake. Oh & it's never not been inside the mini-greenhouse inside my home. When it was at work, it was on someone's desk.


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