
Thursday, July 30, 2020

I Like Thursday: A Week of Interruptions

Things have gone right, things have gone very wrong.  Very little has gone to plan.  So let's highlight some of the good stuff.

Having coped, we hung the second picture railing hung on Friday (two days later than I intended).  I am so happy!  I now have something other than a blank wall behind me when I zoom.  I'd show you the coped corner, but it's nothing interesting.  Came out pretty good!

I've been working on more wavy blocks, which is both good and bad.  Good, because they're fun and I have a plan of what to do with them.  Bad, because do you see photos of my dress?  No.  The dress was my OMG.  Need to be focusing on that!

I have been fighting with my smartphone connectivity for nearly two weeks.  This has been an immense time-suck.  I have been unbelievably frustrated over the whole thing.  Part of it is my fault, not researching enough about wifi calling before buying my smartphone last year.  But the fact that my phone has wifi calling permanently disabled just pisses me off.  The lack of clear information on the subject from web sites and support is astonishing (and also pisses me off).  And how carriers hide account information is just aggravating.  So.  New phone and new carrier (neither one my first choice) should be arriving today.  Fingers crossed that I can get this working (because that will be a HUGE like).

An email on Tuesday afternoon had us on a road trip to Dakin on Wednesday.  Meet Thingamabob, a tiny 2-year-old guinea pig that I am fostering for two weeks.  More news on her in the next few days.

Of course, a trip to Dakin includes a trip to Cerrato's Pastry shop.  Oh, yum.  I definitely liked that.

I am hoping that next week's likes will be incredibly boring, as I try to bring my focus back to training and job searching. 

I'm sure there's more soothing events over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  Enjoy!


  1. ooooo a new pig... more wheeking more stories! yea!
    about the phone... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... lies don't help anyone! I hope its sorted soon, instead of hanging over you sucking mental energy. your room looks so inviting, and those curvy blocks are ab fab dahling

  2. Hi Sally! There's still time for your OMG. Two whole days - plenty of time. Hmm - the picture railing is for hanging, well, pictures? Your walls look spectacular now with your quilts up. So nice and colorful! Oh, phones and carriers are a sore subject with me as well. I work in one of the Chicago suburbs - don't you think there would be fabulous connection there based on the size of the population? My phone would lose connectivity on my drive to work - zero bars. How is that possible?? I had to switch within weeks. I hope the new stuff works well for you! {{Hugs}} Thingamabob is adorable - only two weeks?!! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I don't think anyone has a life going as planned right now! We are taking it a day at a time for sure! That little G. Pig sure looks content though! heehee!

  4. Oh THingamabob is adorable. I think I need one of those.
    Good luck with the new phone and carrier; I hate sorting out that stuff but a necessary part of life these days. How wonderful to have those hanging rails to show off your lovely handiwork. And good luck with the OMG, though no pressure for sure.

  5. Thingamabob is sweet. Love your walls displayed with all your lovely quilts. Aah....phones and technology....we just won't go there. Hope your new one is better behaved. Your new blocks are looking great.

  6. Your picture rail is such a great way to display quilts! I love that! Good luck with the new phone and all if that fun stuff - trying to figure that stuff can be so frustrating. And a new guinea pig to entertain us all - fun!

  7. Oh phone problems suck, cell carrier's suck. Love your picture rail. The GP is sweet. Hope your week goes better.

  8. It's nice to see the wavy blocks again! They remind me so much of geological cross-sections, but are MUCH more colorful than the ones I've perused in work situations :)
    I hope more things go more smoothly for a while now.
    And what a cute pig!

  9. Hi,
    Love your new wall...what beautiful quilts...I really like your wavy blocks, so pretty...Thingamabob is cute...he looks so cuddly..have a great day!

  10. Your room looks great with your quilts hanging so nicely. I hate getting a new phone. It's expensive and takes awhile to get things back to normal. I hope it works better for you. I love your new little guinea pig! So cute! I hope things get better this week!

  11. Oh, have you hit a hot button with me - tech in general. We have become so beholden and reliant on it, that when it doesn't work, it really has an impact. I hope the coming week is better for you. And by the way, the picture railing with the wall hangings/quilts is gorgeous! You have inspired me to consider this as an option in our log house, where we are trying to avoid putting holes in the logs ...


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