
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Little Library Update

I made it back to Coggshall Park over the weekend to walk with my college friend.  Much different than the last time we met - the ground is clear of ice and snow, there's leaves on the trees, and masks on our faces.

We anticipated checking out the little free library and were surprised to find the old grandfather clock replaced with a spiffy TARDIS.  The owner was working in the yard and told us the grandfather clock fell apart in the spring.  They replaced it with this souped up recycled refrigerator unit. 

The details are terrific.  The TARDIS itself has so many references to Dr Who.  "Bad Wolf" was on one side, the other sported hash marks from the Silence.  The door handle had a couple of sonic screwdrivers painted on it.  I like the alterations they made to the police box placard, too.

The surrounding area was updated to match.  The sign next to it now states: Books are BIGGER on the inside.  We chuckled over the Dalek no trespassing sign and spotted a weeping angel tucked by the bush.

There was even K-9 at the base of the fence (cleverly constructed of recycled items - I could identify a measuring spoon and a bucket).

Inside the TARDIS was detailed as the outside.  It was stuffed with books... and full of quotes.  All beautifully rendered. 

I was so much in love.

We passed a van parked in the driveway - with a bunch of stickers in the back window.  I fully approve of this guy's taste in sci-fi shows and general sense of humor.  What fun!


  1. Your recent quilt pictures immediately made me think of The Doctor :)

  2. Isn't that cool?! Those people are very creative! I hope you found a good book to take home, Sally.

  3. Such a fun and creative neighbourhood you live in, Sally. Walks around your place must always be filled with expectation.

  4. Wow, wow, wow. SOOO creative! Kudos to all those who put the effort into making this a reality for Dr. Who fans everywhere!

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  6. Wow that is an awesome little library. I would love to walk by that.


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