
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Could I Borrow a Pair of Piggies?

And borrow is the operative word!  By the time this post will publish, they'll be back at the shelter.  Likely, by the time you read it, they'll be in their new home.


We brought Charlie and Wilbur home on Friday afternoon.  No more than 24 hours later, I was called to say they have an adopter.  Well, that was fast!  That's what I get for fostering these two cuties. 

Charlie has the black nose.  He's much smaller than Wilbur, which makes me think he's younger than the 15 months as listed.  Wilbur, on the other hand, is a full-blown loaf.  They are both very curious and amazingly sweet.  As much as I'll be sad to see them go, I am thrilled they'll be going to a home with someone who will love them.


I knew they wouldn't stay as long as I wished.  But I was truly floored by the phone call.  I may need to wait for a pregnancy watch; something that would guarantee a few weeks!  before I foster again.  At least more than just four days.

Regardless, I got to wuzz noses, kiss ears and gently squeeze some loafiness.  We enjoyed the sound of running laps up and down the cage levels (thumpa thumpa) and eavesdropped on their rumblestrutting.  They were lovely house guests.


  1. are you sure you don't want to adopt some new ones? I liked reading
    " I got to wuzz noses, kiss ears and gently squeeze some loafiness"

    these two are so cute... they're all cute tho aren't they? wheek wheek!

  2. Yes I'm with LeeAnna, it sounds like you missed some of the cuddly aspects of having these cute little critters in your home. Thanks for sharing your brief time with them with us!

  3. I love their facial expressions. Puzzled but willing to listen!

  4. Aren't they so cute?! You are so sweet to foster those cuddly guys! I bet you would've liked to keep them a bit longer.

  5. I just read your post to my hubby, and he said I can FOSTER. And I got all mushy, and he said - you keep a piggie, I get a dog. Hmmm. Fostering sounds good. So glad you have even these short times with such adorable piggies!

  6. A moment of aw is better than no aw at all. Cuties they be.


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