
Thursday, September 17, 2020

I Like Thursday: Pigs!

The highlight of the week was guinea pigs.  Coming.  Going.  Staying.

Charlie and Wilbur arrived on Friday, but were so damned cute online that they were immediately scheduled for adoption.  Just before I was to bring them back, Dakin asked if I'd foster two more?  Sure!  So we came home with another two boars (I'll post photos of them tomorrow).

A friend on Facebook posted about these cards from Laura Shaw Art.  They're fun and whimsical and reasonably priced, so I bought a bunch! 

That's just about it.  There were several days of not feeling well (but I got better!).  Focused on the little things:  an unexpected chat with a friend was quite welcome.  The guinea pigs certainly cheered me as well.  Eventually felt good enough to swing by the pastry shop.  And finally ordered tea from Virtuous Teas.  Ahh.

Hope you're having a lovely week.  There are lots more likes over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. I'm glad you are getting some pet therapy by fostering! I was surprised how quickly the first two were adopted! Glad you are feeling better! Have a great week!

  2. Hi Sally! That bowlful of sweet little guinea pigs is so darn cute. You barely got a picture of Charlie and Wilbur - love the names - before they were adopted. That's a wonderful problem to have! Cute cards - I'll check out the link you've shared. Happy Thursday to you, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Glad you are feeling better. I’m sure the bowlful of piggies was a great help! Golly they are cute. Our great grandson and his sister have a guinea pig. Actually, I think it’s Momma’s pig, but that’s ok.

  4. I’m glad you’re feeling better and hope you can enjoy more fun things soon.

  5. Wonderful to read you are feeling better. The pastry shop, and a good veggie to ease any guilt works for me.

  6. Charlie and Wilbur are so cute - glad there are more pigs on the horizon! Those are sweet cards, too. I'll have to go check them out. Glad you are feeling better - that's always a relief and definitely something to like!

  7. The cards do look sweet. Funny, I thought I was the only one that sent out cards any more. Guinea pigs take me back to about 4th grade. My best friend had a couple. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane! They're adorable!!

  8. I think if fostered, I'd bawl every time one was adopted. I'd get too attached! Glad you're feeling better, though! Pastries and tea would make anyone feel better, I think!

  9. The cards are pretty and the ginny pigs - adorable! They would certainly cheer up someone feeling under the weather.

  10. Lovely cards, cute GP and glad you are feeling better. Have a great weekend.

  11. So glad to hear you're feeling better. Love the cards! Very cute! So nice of you to foster the guinea pigs. I've always wanted to foster cats but I'm afraid I'd keep them!


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