
Thursday, September 24, 2020

I Like Thursday: Coming and Going

The tomatoes are coming in!  Around four pounds so far.  I'm in a race with the meadow vole on who can "harvest" them first.  Not enough to make much sauce by themselves, but I'll add it to whatever we get from the farmer's market.

The sunflower plant that was chewed earlier in the summer not only survived but bloomed with multiple flowers!  One of my successes this year (my zinnias succumbed to the change in weather just as they budded).

Charles and Bernard have been a treat all week.  Did you catch their zoomies?  On Monday I caught them trying to stuff themselves in the tunnel together.  They're skinny enough they could fit in side by side. 

Later I startled Bernard and he jumped into the paper bag Charles had claimed.  His extra weight and attempting to hide behind Charles caused the bag to upend.  I had to laugh at Charles' what-the-heck? face and Bernard pretending he's invisible

Dakin called on Saturday, as is their habit.  Charles and Bernard were returned on Tuesday.  We were pleased to keep them an entire week.  And, there was reward at Cerrato's: lobster tail (already eaten), lemon and caramel bon-bons, vanilla cake and a massive peanut butter brownie.   

Ah, yes, that will soothe the piggies' departure.  (I am now chuckling at how the brownie is balanced on the plate - hardly my most artistic arrangement!)

This popped up on my feeds.  I needed the smile.  I have been trying to take care of myself this week.  It's hard to relax and sit quietly when there's so much to do (and such beautiful weather to do it!).

I left the sunroom door open for just a minute, and a big beautiful blue dragonfly got caught in the room, eventually wedging himself between the sliding glass doors.  I couldn't figure out how to free him without squishing him.  I kept hoping he'd get out, but he was stuck for over an hour, just tiring himself out.  Eventually Rob freed him - I was so happy to see the dragonfly take off from Rob's hands.  I know - it's just an insect (even if this sucker was as big as a hummingbird).  Still made me happy.

I did have enough energy to work on my latest quilt.  Consensus is (including my own) that I should leave it intact.  My original idea was to add a wavy binding around it.  Now I'm considering a wavy border to a square binding.  Or wondering if I can make a very wide wavy binding (not sure if that would stay flat).  I'm auditioning some colors now, and hope to have it ready to sandwich by the end of the month.

Do something that makes u happy?  Check out more happy things over at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.  I hope y'all are taking care of yourself, too.


  1. Love your wavy quilt! Your treats made me hungry this morning :D Always love seeing photos of your garden! Have a safe and happy week!

  2. Hi Sally! I also love your wavy quilt. My favorite picture is the two sweeties in the paper bag. Charles' face really is quite expressive, and I guess Bernard uses the if-I-can't-see-you-you-can't-see-me theory. Addison uses that, too, quite effectively. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I'm so glad you rescued the dragonfly! And the piggies are adorable- the pictures and the zoomies! I'm glad they got to visit you!

  4. You got a great tomato harvest! I've enjoyed what you've shared about Charles and Bernard - they are very entertaining! Yummy treats, and I love that you and Rob freed the dragon fly. They are so beautiful!

  5. you have beautiful weather??? (jealous...) all those tomatoes! amazing, we have small green ones that are apparently stalled. Maybe I should bring them in the house where all the fruit goes bad in a day? Your piggies are so cute, the paper bag!! I'm watching for my girl bird that slept here for weeks, who is now gone, every night. I worry for her and hope she found a flock to join and maybe is headed south, but I got very attached to her. I am sad for any creature that is trapped... I know how that feels. Safety for all!

  6. What pretty sunflowers! And I love your quilt! Enjoy your evening!

  7. Your tomatoes look awesome. What are you making? Sauce, salsa, soup? The sunflower is lovely, and the GP with the zoomies are hilarious, they do look like they are on fast forward. The meme with the duck is so appropriate for me today. Sometimes it is hard to take time for that "self care". You had a dragonfly trapped, I was ogled by a praying mantis today while I was cleaning the pool trying to get it ready for winter. They are kind of creepy, and big. I was sad to see a leaf bug had expired in pool, but I did manage to save a couple of honeybees. I need to get that task finished up soon.

  8. Concensus is a delight! I love the wavy strings.
    You have super cute furry friend stories and photos today. They made me smile.

  9. I noted in a recent post about some insects that I will save, (bees, katydids, ladybugs, dragonflies) and others I don't give a hoot about (wasps, hornets, even spiders, try as I might to think of Charlotte). I do not totally know why! Glad you or your husband was able to save the blue dragonfly. I had a decent tomato harvest, and got talked out of making salsa (oh darn) and just popped them in the freezer whole. I learned this last year and it's fantastic! I already used a few in chili we made last week. Still have a bunch of green ones on the plants yet. Our weather here is glorious this week, soaking it all in. :-)

  10. We save all the insects here too even the very ugly conifer bugs. Perhaps even such a small kindness gets returned in the universe...who knows. Meanwhile lovely to see those little faces, adorable aren't they. What treats to mouth watering here as I look at them. I too love your wavy blocks and that arrangement is perfect, imo.
    Do you think you won the race with the vole? LOL

  11. I love your quilt. I really like the setting triangles. I think any pastry is a great way to make yourself feel better! I'm sure you enjoyed the guinea pigs. It's tough to foster. You have to try and not fall in love with them!

  12. Tomatoes, Bernard and Charles, yummy desserts, a wise meme, and a beautiful quilt all topped off with your fun writing style! What a cheerful moment you brought into my evening! Thank you!


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