
Monday, September 21, 2020

Youthful Exuberance

Our time with Charles and Bernard is running out.  Dakin called on Saturday that they've found a permanent home.  The piggies will be returned on Tuesday.  In the meantime, we are enjoying their antics.

Bernard no longer runs in terror each time we walk by the cage and has even learned to take food from my hand.  Big steps!  Charles is still the first to check out everything.

Neither one knew what to do with the egg-cersizer.  No matter what I put in it, it remained untouched in the middle of the cage.  The paper bag filled with hay was more appreciated, although these two haven't figured out the joy of shredding it to pieces like my pigs did.  I guess they're too young to figure that out?  They needed to be introduced to using the tunnel and the cozy, as well.  Charles loves the paper bag, Bernard loves the tunnel; the hammock is nearly forgotten.

But zoomies?  That's one thing they know how to do without any encouragement. 

Every evening, after covering the cage, the whole thing would rock and bounce as Charles and Bernard zoomed and popcorned.  Charles would run to the ends of the cage so quickly he'd bank off the walls to turn direction.  As soon as I'd peek in, they'd stop.  I even tried setting up the camera under the cover to catch what they were doing, to no avail.  My luck changed on Saturday evening:  they ignored me and the camera.  The beginning of the clip almost looks like it's on fast-foward - but that's them in real time! 

Whomever adopts these guys will be entertained.  They have so much growing to do, and that will be fun to watch, too.  I hope Charles and Bernard continue to be friends.  They've been an adorable pair.


  1. zoomies... they are so cute, I'd just stand around watching them! Nothing would get done. Then I'd start the baby talk...

  2. These are fun kids. I did wonder if the video was speeded up at first, till you explained. I hope they stay playful a long time.

  3. Love the zoomies video - so cute! I hope they'll be adopted together!

  4. So, so adorable. I must check in with our local shelter about hosting piggies!

  5. Must be fun watching these. I didn´t know they moved so fast.


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