
Thursday, September 10, 2020

I Like Thursday: Kick up Your Heels

How can it be Thursday already?  Another crazy busy week.  Still managed to snap a few pictures.

This little peeper had been sitting on the garden hose.  When I got close he leapt off and stuck right to the wall.  Pretty cool!  Love his patterns, too.  I'm amazed at how pretty they are.



When we got back from our morning walk on Friday I glanced out the window and saw this large cat sauntering across the lawn.  Look!  A bobcat!  I barely grabbed the camera in time before he disappeared behind the garage.  That was an exciting start to the day.

I had a marvelous time paddling around on Friday afternoon.  There was a stiff wind on the way out.  Made for an easy return - I coasted much of the way back.  I snapped this photo from a calm spot.  I met my sister on Tuesday evening for some more kayaking.  Yay!

I've been working on a bunch of projects including this bedside organizer.  I'm really liking it.

Last Saturday I decided to stop being shy and participated in an online Zoom dance.  What a crazy concept.  It was a fundraiser for a local dance hall that has been closed since March.  I had planned to attend through YouTube - which I would have treated more like a concert.  But then I found out several friends I hadn't seen in ages had opted to join with Zoom.  So I signed up.

Wow.  Over 100 of us joined the call.  It was so lovely to see SO MANY familiar faces and hear their voices.  The live music was wonderful.  The callers instructed us on dances that could be done singly or with a couple.  Or you could just sit and listen.  I had a guy ask me to dance with him:  we pinned each other's video screen, and tried doing the steps as if we were partners.  Silliest damned thing I've done in a long time.  It was exhilarating.  I was too busy laughing to worry about how foolish I looked.  The band took a brief break halfway through, and the organizers split us out into small groups of five or six people, so we could actually have a conversation for a few minutes.  Some people hung around at the end of the dance, too, catching up or just soaking in the community.

It was confusing keeping up with three different private text conversations while trying to read all the other text messages and listen/watch what was going on.  Teams/Slack was a lot easier.  Regardless, I'm sold.  I will certainly try this again.

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.



  1. Yikes! A bobcat! Is that a regular occurrence? Your peeper is so cute! Great job on your bed organizer! It’s lovely and useful!

  2. Oh my goodness...a Bobcat! How amazing! I've seen a few on hiking trails but this is amazing and I'm so glad you got to your camera for a photo! WOW!

  3. Wow, the dancing Zoom sounds fantastic and a lot of fun!
    The bobcat, scary there. I was told they are silent stalkers that jump at you from behind to grab onto your neck. I didn't know that. Your beside pocket is cute. One over the arm of the sofa would work for me, no more moving a coffee table aside.

  4. Hi Sally! WOWEE to the bobcat. Kind of scary cool. And yippee to ZOOM dancing. What a great idea and concept - how nice that you got to chat with friends you haven't been able to see for months. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Bobcat--what??????? Wow! I love your bedside pocket, it is so pretty and it is really useful as well! Love your lake photo, so pretty! Have a great week!

  6. Goodness, to find a Bobcat in the garden, amazing and a bit scary

  7. You have some wildlife in your neighborhood, too - wow! Beautiful spot for kayaking, and it sounds like you timed the trip out and then back just right. Your Zoom dance sounds like so much fun! Aren't you glad you joined in that way?

  8. we've done those zoom dances... it's weird but kind of nice at the same time. Some callers are better at moves that don't require partnering
    a bobcat... crikey! Every night we hear coyote

  9. Great from me too on that bobcat sighting. I've never seen one and would find it thrilling too. So glad you managed a snap. So nice to kayak still. Also I"ve never seen a peeper so thanks for showing him/her. I'm still trying to figure out the zoom dancing which sounds like a lot of fun and laughs. Just what we all need!

  10. Oh a bobcat how cool is that, and a wee bit scary. Love the kayak pictures, and the zoom dance sounds like a blast. Great bedside organizer.

  11. That bobcat would freak me out. I love your dancing on zoom story. It sounds like such fun.

  12. I think the bedside organizer is brilliant! I simply must make one! I love to read in bed, sit on the computer in bed, among other things during the winter months. It is just cozy and warm there.

  13. The bobcat looks huge! Love the bedside organizer. I can't understand how you can dance with someone via Zoom! Sounds complicated!!

  14. I much prefer bobcats to coyotes at my place, but I haven't been able to figure out where to submit my preferences.


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