
Tuesday, September 8, 2020


No sooner do I choose an OMG project than I go off in other directions.  I will get those setting triangles done.  Really.  But in the meantime...

Now that we have a washing machine that doesn't add random black splotches to everything, I washed the border fabric for the braid quilt.  Buying the fabric was challenging - I didn't want to unfurl the quilt at the shop to fully compare.  I threw it up on the wall so I can get a good look at it.  Ideally I was looking for something a little more brown; maybe darker or paler?  But this works - it doesn't fade into the cream colored braid and it compliments the blue and red.


Along with the bedside book caddy, I made myself a little phone stand (I used three coffee bag ties to give it shape).  Nothing fancy, but it works!


Then I'm planning another caddy to organize around the ironing board.  But before I could get to that...

...I was sidetracked with a paper piecing project, that will become a clock face.  I hope.  It's going together fairly quickly.  I'm realizing now, it's dark fabric that will be under black hands.  Hmm.  I may rework it with lighter fabrics?  Or maybe just paint the hands of the clock.  Maybe make the points all a different color?

After that I will get back to those setting triangles.  Well, if I don't get distracted by another squirrel.

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Love Laugh Quilt - Monday Making
My Quilt Infatuation - Needle and Thread Thursday


  1. you are making so much lately... I love to see what it is and how you approach it. The fabric seems not quite right to me, just a quick opinion and from a picture so don't take that as important. If you keep it, and theres nothing wrong with it... maybe integrate it a bit with some red and blue threads? Something that stands out. It's challenging to me to pick borders to be honest. Maybe if you make it narrower and insert some piano key scraps of the center fabrics along the outside? Musing...

  2. I love that you are going every which way with all the pretties you are stitching. A little bit of and a whole lot of that always adds variety to one's days.

  3. I was expecting to see some squirrels in your post, but NOW I get it! What lovely squirrels you have, my dear!

  4. I love red, blue, and yellow together! Fun to see what other projects you're playing with, too. A quilted clock face - can't wait to see more of that!

  5. I love the idea of a quilted clockface. I've never seen one!

  6. Variety is the spice of life. . . And quilting. I like the idea of a clock face. The gold works well with the braid top. I think there is a finish coming your way.


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