
Thursday, October 1, 2020

I Like Thursday: Colors Coming Out

It's October.  Seriously?  For being out of work and isolated, the time just seems to be flying by.  It's crazy.

We went out for a drive on Wednesday.  Technically we were running errands, but we took the long way around to enjoy the trees.  I'm really enjoying the fall colors.

Our yard is starting to change, too.  I swear the leaves on this bush are hot pink.  It was overcast the morning I shot this, which certainly affected the colors.

There's a tree out back that I took photos both in bright sunlight and overcast.  The two photographs were taken less than a day apart.  I love the difference between the two.  Amazing, isn't it?

I checked out My Dog May Be a Genius from the library.  It contained the poem On Monday at Midnight that I had fallen in love with at the poetry walk back in May  It's a kid's book, but the poems were really clever and punny.  I chuckled at nearly every page.  I absolutely recommend it for a very quick read and a laugh.

The librarian at my local branch retired this week.  I'll miss her cheerfulness when I call to pick up books.  But yay for her for retiring.  

I really liked these blueberry cookies, so I made them again.  This time mine looked more like the pictures.  They're a lot of work, but oh, so good and a lovely way to enjoy my stash of Newbury blueberries my mom brought me in August.  

I made another caddy - this one salvaged a stained table topper.  Give it a second life!  I also put borders on Creekbed and worked on my hexies.  If you're interested, the post is here.  I frankensteined batting, so I should be quilting some projects, soon!

It's Thursday!  so there's more likes hosted by Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday


  1. Your pink tree is amazing! Do you know what kind of tree it is? We have only a few varieties here in NE Wyoming that turn any shade of red! Mostly cottonwoods, aspen and elm! All turn golden or sometimes just a blah shade of yellow. We did take a trip to a neighboring state to check on the fall colors. It was a lovely day but my pictures do not do the colors justice. I need to learn how to enhance my phone photos,! 😆

  2. Thank you for sharing fall colors. So pretty. It’ll be months before we cool off enough for any leaves to change here in Peoria AZ. I like your caddy. Great idea to repurpose.

  3. What beautiful leaf colors, Sally! That sounds like a very enjoyable drive. Blueberry cookies - yum! I used to read a lot of poetry with my students when I taught 5th grade and there is so much fun poetry out there.

  4. The pink tree is glorious. It looks as if Fall is beginning to swing into action there. I love children's books and especially those singing with fun poetry. Another fabulous caddy you have whipped up. They are such a great idea, aren't they.

  5. Wow when it is dark the tree is more vibrant which is kind of surprising. Isn't amazing how quickly time is passing?

  6. I think your pink leafed tree is a burning bush as I have one that is that exact colour right now and I'm going to share it soon. This year it is almost a neon pink rather than red for some reason.
    Lots of great likes...blueberry cookies...blueberries are so full of nutrients. Love the way you saved that fabric and repurposed to a useful caddy. Clever you!
    Aren't libraries just the best of places!

  7. Hi Sally! I love the idea of blueberry cookies - thanks for sharing the recipe. And the caddy is cool, too. I will check out both links. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. The bush you posted is very similar to one I have in my yard next to my chimney. Ours is called a burning bush and is also hot pink this year. I called a friend who is a master gardener & he said this years' colors in that type of bush are off this year. They're usually firery red & orange, lack of rain changed their color and caused them to be more pinkish than red. You'll have to take a snip off of it and ask at a nursery in your area if they recognize it. Keep up the good work. I love your posts.

  9. Such beautiful colored leaves! I think Fall is so pretty. I'm not happy about the season that follows but what can you do?! Blueberry cookies sound delicious! I need to make a caddy. It looks so useful and so perfect on your couch!

  10. Yes, I think your pink tree is a burning bush. Mine are pink this year as well. I shall have to investigate why that is! Enjoy what is left of your fall!


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