
Thursday, November 26, 2020

I Like Thursday: Work, Boars, Glasses

Wow, this week flew by.  Let's see - I'm working... there goes a lot of my time.  We took in a couple of guinea pigs to foster.  Wrangling pigs took up more time (so far these bad boars have been good).  Somehow I managed to finish quilting the main portion my quilt, too!  Yay!  I have to finish the border, which I hope to do this weekend.


Some sewing rulers arrived the mail this week, a treat for myself.  I'm looking forward to using them (especially the squiggly one).

I have several pairs of reading glasses.  I couldn't recall their strengths and the numbers had rubbed off the frames.  Grrr.  After much googling, I managed to find this website on how to determine strength.  It took me a while to find a light source that worked, but then I got out my tape measure and calculator.  Voila!  Now I know I have three 1x lenses (in slightly varying degrees) and one that's a 1.25.  Pretty cool!


These two foster boars are quite entertaining.  And always looking for food.  Mango is quite adamant about it.  We both get wheeked at.  I'm hoping to do a photo shoot with them soon.

The post with our house number has been leaning precariously for months.  Did you know there was a shortage of wooden posts over the summer?  The pandemic has caused all sorts of strange shortages.  We finally bought a pair a few weeks ago and Rob installed this new post over the weekend.  Yay.

Happy Thanksgiving!  I certainly have lots to be thankful for (and looking forward to zooming with family this morning).  If you have a chance, sit down with your pumpkin pie (or at least a cup of tea if you're from elsewhere) and read some more I Like Thursday posts at Not Afraid of Color.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Sally! Your braid quilt is looking so good! That's cool that you figured out to determine the strength of your glasses - I didn't know that was possible without a special tool. I've enjoyed your posts about the new pigs, too. They're cute!

  2. Hi Sally! I'm so glad you are loving your new job!! That makes the time spent there are the better. The new little guinea pigs are so cute. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. ahhh readers. I am up to 2 I think but it depends what I'm doing. Thing is I need them all the time now to read. I'm turning into the woman who wears them around her neck but I don't do that, I hunt for a pair! One by computer, one on nightstand, one by sewing machine.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Love seeing the boars and glad you are being entertained by them! Your braid quilt is beautiful! Stay safe!

  5. Hi Sally, I love your colourful braid quilt. Quite striking. I have readers and usually buy 3.25, the highest for my close up stitching. I have quite an assortment all over the house like LeeAnna. Too many really. I'm impressed you figured out how to tell their strength like that, who knew! What a treat to see those little critters. So furry. Who knew wooden posts were in short supply. Strange.

  6. Love your braid quilt! I love trying out new rulers. I wear contacts that are bifocal but I still need glasses for close work. Hope you had a great holiday!


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