
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Foster Christmas Photos

Gasp!  Could it be?  A holiday guinea pig photo shoot??


I honestly thought after Mabel passed that we wouldn't do another holiday card photo shoot.  However, we had two adorable foster guinea pigs this Thanksgiving, so we decided to keep the tradition alive.  Last Sunday was wonderfully sunny, so I dug out decorations and we wrangled us some guinea pigs.

Mango and Panda are seriously energetic and were tough to corral.  I had to keep the treats coming to get them to sit still.  Bolting off the table was not allowed!

Treats weren't enough to keep them from taste-testing the scenery.  Mango seemed keen on the snowman's nose.  Are you sure it isn't real?  I bet it would taste good.  The candy canes looked pretty but weren't as tempting.

I found a piece of spat-out red berry after the first round of photos.  It obviously didn't taste as good as it looked. 

There were plenty of the classic outtakes:  lots of butt photos, piggies pointed in the wrong direction or just otherwise acting goofy.  These never make it on a Christmas card but are often our favorite photos of the bunch.

Panda is still sporting a serious nose scar.  It makes him look like he's always smiling.  These two boars have been really good boys while staying with us.

My I Like Thursday post had a photo of Mango stretching for some celery leaf.  This photo was taken immediately after that.  Mango used Panda for a boost up, then landed right on him when he came down.  Panda wasn't happy about that.

Mango and Panda won't appear on this year's cards - I had ordered them before we took the photos.  But I know what we'll be sending out next year!  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the holiday guinea pig goofiness.



  1. Good pictures! Adorable! The one with the red berries, it looks like Mango is singing!

  2. mango I eat celery leaf too, great in soups! And those decorations do look good enough to eat for a little baby piggie. I love panda looking right into the camera! They are all about the treat, just like me, so I relate!

  3. OMG! Love these photos and laughed out loud at some of them! They are a hoot! So glad you posted this, thank you!


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