
Thursday, December 3, 2020

I Like Thursday: It's December?

It's barely December.  I am already behind.  And no vacation time to take off this year.  Admittedly, covid is forcing things to stay simple.  But there's cookies that need baking and decorations to put up - the seasonal stuff I enjoy doing (and can still do this year!)

I love we were able to keep one tradition this year:  the annual wrangling of guinea pigs for holiday photos.  The fosters from Dakin were hilarious and we got several good photos (that I still need to weed through so I can post them).  

Another like - the fosters came back from their checkup today.  Panda and Mango are cleared for adoption, so we have them until someone else scoops them up!

I like that I finished quilting my braid quilt.  Squeaked that in on time for November's OMG.  Not even sure what I'm doing for December.  Gotta figure that out soon or skip it.

And that's it for the photos this week.  But check out these web sites.  I obviously had food on my mind this week.  I'm not sure how I stumbled this pie that looks like it's been quilted.  How cool is that?!?!  This woman's pies are just amazing looking.

Then there were Gingerbread Houses on Sunday Sweets.  Aren't they lovely?  None of my gingerbread houses ever look like that.

I enjoyed hosting another virtual tea with friends on Sunday.  Good to see people, even over a video screen.  It was fun to catch up.

And that's it.  Now I need to catch up on all my stuff before the weekend.  If you have time, go see the other likes at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. The braided quilt looks GREAT! Love those gingerbread houses and the cute photos of the pigs! Have a safe and happy week!

  2. Are you sure you wouldn't like to adopt those cuties, Sally? 😉 The quilted pie is really cool! Artwork with pie crust - who knew? Enjoy your baking and decorating, too!

  3. Your braided quilt is very pretty and the gorgeous pie crust looks too good to eat

  4. Adorable photo!
    Wow! The quilted pie is stunning!

  5. Hi Sally! I love the photos of the guinea pigs. And being in a new job at this time of year has to add just a wee bit of different stress. Give yourself a break - if things don't get finished it's not the end of the world (I hope). {{Hugs}} My gingerbread houses NEVER looked like that either. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. I love your braided quilt. This is a busy time even though we're limiting who we're seeing. Just do what you can. I'm trying to catch up. I thought I was getting everything done early and now it seems I'm just going to make it.Ugh.

  7. The braid quilt is gorgeous! I got on Etsy last night looking at quilts! WOW! It's addictive isn't it? All the beautiful patterns and colors. Love those fosters! I just read the book Ellen Foster and it was so good! It's an oldie but a goodie! Hugs!

  8. I LOVe the site with gingerbread... love all the cake disasters and puns... great find. You know I'm waiting for a video of those two widdle beggars... and wish you could keep them.

  9. The braid quilt is gorgeous. Yay for the healthy GP, boo for them leaving though, it would be hard to foster. Wow checked out that ladies pies, they are works of art.

  10. When you said quilted pie, I thought hmmm I'll have to take a look at that. My niece in NH makes those lattice work pies all the time. I used to but she agreed to take over that part of the family baking while I was unable to continue. Cutting out those pieces with all the tools they have now are fun. There are rollers that cut as they roll & edge strips of pie crust with designs. The niece even diy'd a bunch of leaf cookie cutters together so she can make many at once, rather than 1 at a time which I was doing. The braided quilt came out well and the pigs look amazing on that background. You guys take such great photos.


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