
Thursday, January 21, 2021

I Like Thursday: Kind of Quiet

Kind of quiet is a good thing.  Health continues to slowly improve.  Work is rolling along. In fact, I get excited in the morning to sit down and start working.  It's been years since I felt like that - it's wonderful to have that back.

I like playing with fabric.  The drawback of cleanup projects is they can spawn more projects.  Fun and interesting, but distracting if I'm trying to accomplish something else.  I continue to play with kites.  These are itty-bitty pieces that would result in a 2" finished square.  What was I thinking cutting something so small?

Met up with my mother and sister on Monday for our walking get-together.  We traded off goodies and caught up, kept our masks on and were pleased to have the bike trail mostly to ourselves.  Even with the uptick in covid cases, we're lucky to live in low-count areas.  I'd be happier if the state would move faster in doling out the vaccine.

I got a kick out of this TARDIS door.  Can you imagine coming home to that?  Ha!

Short post - I need to get back to working on my Project Quilting quilt.  I'm not sure if I like it so far, but I may just run with it to see where it goes.

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Love the colorful little pieces of fabric. Your Project Quilting piece looks interesting, too. Good to hear you are feeling better and are able to go walking. May you have a good week ... :) Pat

  2. Those kites are so interesting - I'm wondering how they will go together! Your Project Quilting design is interesting, too - I hope you can get it to a point where you're happy with it. Glad you were able to get together with your mom and sister. Those outdoor visits are harder right now, but so needed!

  3. Love those kite blocks. Wonder how you could make them without the weird shapes, lol. The colours are awesome! Love jewel tones!

  4. Great fabric choices for your quilt! I really love your kite blocks and wow! 2 inches! Have a wonderful week and stay safe!

  5. the door not so much lol
    I just finished my PQ quilt, whew. What a race.
    quiet is good...

  6. Hi I left a comment on your FB page. I just wanted to test that a comment would actually work now. I love your blog as always. You make me strive to do better and get more done.

  7. Love your little kite pieces. Your project quilting pieces look good too.

  8. Sally - so much better to spend time stitching than writing a blog!!! So glad for you that you have been able to get together with your mother and sister. Enjoy the rest of your week!


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