
Thursday, March 11, 2021

I Like Thursday: Signs of Spring

The snow is melting!  Even though I'd like another chance to snowshoe, I really like the signs of spring.  The maple syrup buckets popped up in the neighborhood.  One day nothing but bare trees, the next there were dozens and dozens of buckets.  If it's quiet you can hear the plink-plink of the sap dripping.

When I went to Swanson's Fabrics I heard of making jackets out of old quilts.  Have you heard of this?  (Maybe I'm behind the times.)  Then I found this article.  They're really beautiful.  

I've been down the internet rabbit hole a few times this week.  Once looking at different sunny lanes patterns.  Then looking up how to create an ironing station.  I need to replace my board and since it lives in the living room, I'd like to replace it with a real table or shelving unit.  Then looking at all the pretty crazy quilt submissions.

My mother got a chance to spend a couple of days with her sisters down on the Cape.  She got beautiful weather, too.  And she came back sounding all jazzed.  It was a nice thing to hear.  I can't wait to hear more of it.

That's my likes for the week.  Joining the other likes at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Quilt jackets are fantastic. I haven't made one, but I might someday.

  2. I have seen a revival of quilted jackets lately. How nice to reuse old ones for it. Isn't it great to see these signs of spring. The sap buckets have sprouted here too.

  3. Making coats from quilts is really trending right now. It's very fun to see all the different versions!

  4. I followed your link to those quilted jackets; just fabulous. I would love all those old quilts...there must be hundreds. Nice to see the first kiss of spring there.

  5. Homegrown maple syrup - sounds amazing! Can you buy it nearby? Your quilt layout is so neat - is that the one you picked? It's good to be hearing that we can carefully start to gather again, especially after vaccinations. Happy for your mom!

  6. The snow is melting, the sap is running. It must be nearly Spring! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. I love seeing the photo of the maple tree buckets. Living in the city we miss out on that sign of spring. When I was a kid we used to tap the big maple tree in the yard and boil it down. We got enough for one pancake breakfast. I think I would make a new patchwork quilted jacket, but I think I would have a hard time cutting up and actual quilt. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  8. After this long dark winter, I'm so happy we're heading into Spring! We need it! I love those quilted jackets. Thanks for the link!

  9. Those pails! Takes me back to Quebec trips with my students. I checked out the coats link-nearly had heart failure at seeing all those antique quilts, and thinking of them being cut up... I Love that Sunny Lanes pattern. Oh the stuff you can do with HSTs.

  10. Sally - those pails bring back memories of our time living in Northeast Ohio - massive maple syrup area. Our snow is also melting ... slowly the spring birds are returning and I am itching to get out in my garden. I am resisting, only because I know from experience that I will only slide around in the mud!

  11. Thank you for the maple syrup bucket photo. I have never really studied how that all works. Love it!


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