
Sunday, April 18, 2021


Things continue to be chock-a-block full around here.  So what do I do?  I add to it.  Ha.   

First off - I spent several hours over the last two days researching feedburner alternatives and programming a subscribe-by-email widget for my blog that I'm happy with.  Gah.  That was time I could have used elsewhere.  For those of you interested - I'm trying out since it has the ability to do rss and email.  If you were an email subscriber through feedburner,  I have ported you over.  You should have received an email from the new service (although I think it will look a lot different).  I am curious if it works - please leave me a comment.  If you subscribed through an rss feed, you may wish to resubscribe; I've updated the link and it will take you to the new feed.  This whole thing seems a little clunky... we'll see how it goes.  If I am happy with, I will eventually unlink the feedburner from this blog (I'll be sure to post a reminder to change feeds before I do).   eta:  I suspect I'm already having problems with this... I think more research is needed...


Now for the fun distractions - I spent some of Wednesday night and Thursday morning setting up for the latest foster from Dakin.  Meet Chocolate:  a lone boar that is staying with us for a bit of love and attention while awaiting a forever home.  Chocolate is skittish and a bit lonely.  Even with playthings in the cage, seems bored without another piggy to interact with.  I hope he gets adopted with a buddy he gets along with.

Chocolate arrived at the house with some real chocolate - pastries from Cerrato's.  The real motivation for Rob volunteering for piggy taxi service is chocolate and lemon bon bons.  

Turns out it was a good thing Chocolate's pickup was scheduled for Thursday, because this is what Friday morning looked like.  We got at least 5 inches of snow before it started to melt.  The driveway was clear and there's large patches of bare ground by Saturday afternoon.  The daffodils don't look so good, though.  They took a beating from this snow.

Alright - I need to stop tinkering with web pages and html and get back to ordering a saw and doing my yoga and assembling a cart and yard work and ...



  1. That's a cute little Chocolate. Hope he gets a friend to play with soon. All that snow reminds me of spring in Norway. Typical spring weather. BRRR!

  2. Is this email subscription company free, Sally? Chocolate is a sweet little fellow. I must say, it looks very chilly there. Won't it be summer there in about six weeks??

  3. He is adorable! The snow is not adorable.
    Thank you for the news. I read the email about the feedburner change, and forgot about it.

  4. Sally - no question that technology can be a major time suck. Don't you just wish they would stop messing with things that are working? Chocolate looks adorable (just like every other piggy!) I hope they find a buddy for him soon.

  5. Awwwww hello, Chocolate! And hello new website porting thingy!

  6. Animals do get lonely. I feel for him.
    I love your snow photo!

  7. I'm not very tech savvy, so any guidance on how to still see your blog would be helpful. Will it still be available to get to thru FB?


I enjoy reading your comments and I strive to reply by email (if you're not set to no-reply).