
Thursday, April 22, 2021

I Like Thursday: Greens and Chocolate

This has been a week for the yard.  I've started work on a raised garden.  We assembled a cart that had been delivered last week.  I like how my seedlings are growing, too.  Time to transplant some of them.  Maybe this weekend.

Work has been really engaging, which is great - except it's hard to disengage at night to get other stuff done. 


I managed, at long last, to oil my sewing machine.  Sounds so much better; it was long overdue.  I also stitched together this little pouch.  I made it a little smaller than I intended, but it is just big enough for my license and a few dollars.  Perfect to take with me when I go kayaking.

I finished up The Giver of Stars, a novel based on the Pack Horse Library Project.  I'm pretty sure my sister had recommended it.  It was a quick, easy and enjoyable read. 

We've been fostering Chocolate this week.  He's very curious, and enjoys playing with the egg-cersizer.  It's amazing how much more outgoing a pair of piggies are to a singleton.  He's still very nervous from various sounds in the house, but is very comfortable being held.

Isn't he a cutie?

This week's random little video:  windmill jump rope

Beyond that, I spent way too much time tinkering around with a feedburner replacement.  I thought I had an answer, but now am not so sure.  Still researching.  At this point I'm seriously considering moving my blog to Wordpress.  (And if I lost you on my feed, I apologize - I'm hoping to have things straightened out soon.)

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Chocolate is adorable. I'm already missing him when he goes to a forever home. Nice pouch, they are very handy to have in a purse. I hope someday to have one that lights up (like my phone does when I don't want it to) so I can see it easier. lol

  2. bwaahahahaha on jump rope! Chocolate is so so pretty... keep him....

  3. Yay for green and growing things! Chocolate looks like a sweetie pie. I bet he'll thrive at your house. I really liked The Giver of Stars. Another good one with the same theme is The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. Those ladies are interesting to learn about!

  4. A useful overview of Feedburner alternatives is It might help you figure out the next steps.

  5. Such a cute piggie! Give him a hug for me!

  6. You are far ahead of us in the outdoor work. We dis some cleanup early on but not much since. Things are blooming and growing so all is well in our garden. The weather has been so changeable, even for New England, that we have not done any planting yet. Hopefully tomorrow we we get out in the sun and get some stuff done. Your new foster furry look so cute. How nice that he enjoys a cuddle. I have no idea what to do about the feedburner issue. I have also considered a word press migration. I am not very tech savvy . I keep hoping to find an easy solution will come along. Thanks for sharing your Thursday with me ... :) Pat

  7. Windmill jump rope is fabulous. Oh Chocolate you are adorable. Cute little pouch.

  8. Chocolate is so cute! I love that little pouch. I'm sure it will come in handy. You're doing great growing your plants. Let's hope we don't get any more snow!!

  9. Sounds like a busy, but productive week. I've not done much with the Feedburner widget going away. I probably should. Enjoy your gardening and stitching time this week.

  10. Love the Windmill Jump rope especially when she falls down at the end. People are so creative.
    I read the Giver of Stars and quite enjoyed it as well.


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