
Thursday, April 29, 2021

I Like Thursday: Construction, Carpentry and Conductivity

Only a couple of days left to complete my April OMG.  I've traced the patterns; the blocks are 9" finished, which is a little too big to print out on my printer.  I think I have a plan and just need to complete three blocks to make my goal.  Think I can do that in two days and write a blog post?  Maybe...

How's this for a weird like:  one year ago I was laid off from my job of 29 years, just as covid started to really take off.  I am so grateful for the shake up; I desperately needed a change of pace.  I've been at the new place nearly six months and it is so much less stressful than my old job.

I've gotten nearsighted and need glasses.  I was looking at frames online and discovered they could be tried on virtually.  What do you think?  Certainly entertaining!

I dragged Rob to the shop to help me choose (something a lot blander than this).  I will get to pick the new glasses up in a week or so.

My new toy.  I got tired of using the old hand saw - this thing goes vroom!  Now I have a framed raised garden.  Next step is to fill it with dirt.  Ugh.

I found a couple of interesting videos this week.  Electronics and sewing:  Conductive Thread.  How fun is that?

And this bit of history about tally sticks.

Speaking of videos - I've been trying to get videos of Chocolate, but he's a bit camera shy.  Maybe some this week?

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday


  1. Sally - what will they think of next? Trying on glasses virtually! Like dressing up Barbie dolls - hours of fun!

  2. I rather love those virtual glasses. Wow, those six months went by quickly. How wonderful you are enjoying where you are now. Good luck with achieving your April OMG.

  3. How happenstance works in our favour sometimes. The same thing happened to me when I lost my job at an elementary school and was moved to teach at junior high level which I really didn't want to do. But because of my teaching experience there ( I found out I could work quite well with 12-14 year olds!) I got my dream job as part of a 7 teacher staff at a children's hospital school where I eventually became principal. Luck favours us sometimes. Good luck with the new specs and working on that monthly goal. Yes to a photograph of the little Chocolate.

  4. Wonderful to be able to look at the bright side of what seemed like a bad situation! I hate trying on glasses, maybe I should give the virtual ones a try! Good luck on your April OMG! I’ll be watching for your link up!

  5. Sometimes, getting laid off is the best thing for your future. I've heard you can try on glasses online but I could never figure out that works! I hope you get your blocks done for the month. You can do it!!

  6. Hi Sally! It sounds like the old adage of one door closing and another opening fits well with your forced job change. Less stress is a fabulous thing!! Looking forward to seeing those pictures of Chocolate! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. yea for the job! Your home is sure pretty and sunny, wish I could watch chocolate move around and wheek!

  8. I'm so glad you're happy at your new job and glad for the change! The virtual glasses are hilarious! It's good you found some you like. That can be so tricky!

  9. I like the round frames, but in a smaller size. lol
    Happy Power Tool!

  10. Oh the conductive thread video is fascinating. Yay for raised beds. Good job! I always wondered how some people I know order their glasses online. Glad that you are enjoying your new job.


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