
Thursday, May 27, 2021

I Like Thursday: Groundhogs, Gaming and Guinea Pigs

No bunny rabbits in our yard this year, but this woodchuck has appeared a few times.  He's cute, but his interest in the garden  has me a bit nervous...

I went to a Game Day on Saturday (all of us vaccinated).  People!  Without masks!  (Although we all showed up with masks in hand, in case any of us weren't comfortable maskless.)  Went for a short hike.  Played games.  It had been so long I forgot the rules to the game I brought.  But the slice of normality was wonderful.

The Game Day group are also contra dancers.  A few of us waltzed in the dining room.  Can I just say it was really strange?  Being that close to someone other than Rob.  It makes me wonder what it will be like when dancing starts up.  (We spent a lot of time betting when that would happen.)  Something I've been looking forward to for over a year - is it going to be difficult to get back into it? 

I like the rain we got last night.  Unfortunately I lost several plants because they didn't get enough water.  I'll see what perks up today.

Oh, yeah - the whole week has been about guinea pigs.  Banzai and the gals are very entertaining!  This photo shows the three gals jammed up on the second level because they wanted to get away from the little critter running around on the first floor.  Really?  Well, they got bad news yesterday - Banzai figured out how to leap to the second level.  So now no place is safe from this little pig!  Only a week old.  He's grown so much!

I have more videos to edit and photos to post.  I just don't have enough time.

That's it for the week.  I'm on call for the weekend, but have Monday off.  Fingers crossed for good weather on Monday.

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Sally - great pictures! Yes, we have been isolating so long that we have become conditioned to creating distance. I think it will take some time to unlearn those habits!

  2. I have a ground hog that ran up to me, with now fear the other day. Bobbin was having none of that. I am afraid it may be living under my back enclosed porch. Sigh. I think some of the conditioning may be a good thing, I know a lot of people think it is strange, but a lot of Asian countries if a person is sick and they go out in public they mask up. They are concerned enough about others that they don't want to spread it. Maybe us Westerners should think that way, more globally and community wise. LOL so the little is causing a stir. Glad you had a chance to get out and about.

  3. I think your guinea pig girls are thinking life will never be the same, lol! So glad you got to go to a game day, too. I agree, though, being in close quarters with other people feels a bit strange yet.

  4. Nice photos, the woodchuck would make me nervous around a garden. All I know about them is they do TV commercials throwing wood into the pond while laughing hysterically. lol

  5. Hi Sally! Definitely, my fingers are crossed for good weather on Monday! It may 'warm' up to 69 by then . . . of course, it cooled off with rain for the long weekend. Oh well - we need the rain! ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. Daughter has a resident ground hog and had to get a green house because of how industrious he was in her garden. How nice you got to get together but as you say, it is a bit strange right now. I went to Walmart last week very early and felt ok because there were so few people - I am definitely not ready for a crowd. Love to see those little cuties with their different personalities.


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