
Thursday, May 20, 2021

I Like Thursday: New Surprises

Where to start?  

Mom came to visit over the weekend.  Yay!  Spent the day at my sister's.  It's so nice to be able to hang out.  

My potted sage was blooming.  I didn't know that sage had purple flowers.  The plant was getting spindly, so I cut off the flowers and brought them in.

The Irises are starting to bloom, too.  I love all the green and purple in this yard.

The sage plant in the garden that Rob weed-whacked last fall bounced back.  It started as a 1" stick of wood, and look at all the green now!

I got around to ordering a yard of dirt, so I finally filled my raised garden.  Lots of dirt left over - I'll find a use for it, I'm sure.  Started planting the tomatoes and peppers; I'll plant leeks and flowers this weekend (I hope!).

My new glasses came in.  Driving is different!  I knew my distance vision wasn't what it should be - but wow!  now words on the signs are so sharp and clear. 

Going to the dentist isn't usually on my list of likes - but they said my teeth look great (and it feels so good to have them clean!).

Bolt has been sleeping funny all week - feet off to one side, like she was trying to get comfortable.  She was bulgy on one side, reminding me of Wedgwood when she had bloat.  I was concerned, but Bolt didn't have bloat...

... Bolt had a baby.

I'll try getting more photos, soon. 

I still can't seem to catch up with my life.  And surprises like Bolt aren't helping (although this is a little bit of chaos I am going to enjoy!).  It's all good.

Sharing with Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Oh how sweet, a little guinea pig baby. Sage flowers are so pretty. Herbs always seem to have the prettiest flowers. Love those new glasses; such a good choice for the shape of your face. A lovely photo of you. Yay for being able to hang out with your mum and sister.

  2. Oh my gosh, Bolt and a baby! I would be in love!
    Good to know your vision is now completely corrected! I don't know when I will feel comfortable getting to the dentist again. It always feels so good after a cleaning. I bought a kit off Amazon and do a little scaling myself but it is not the same.

  3. I love all the purple blooms in spring. I wish I had purple iris to mix in with the orange ones I have. Enjoy the new glasses. I'm hoping mine come in this week. Right now I'm squinting more than I like!

  4. Oh gosh, how wonderful - a new tiny baby and thank goodness that Bolt is OK and not bloated ! Now you will have fun taking photos of the new addition.

  5. So nice to see a baby Guinea pig. Looks like your garden is also growing well.

  6. Looks like you are back to two piggies again!! Congratulations Bolt and to your human family!!! <3

  7. I loved the surprise of Bolt having a baby! Your greens and purple flowers are pretty. And hooray for new glasses and time with your sister and mom!

  8. omg! did you see her have it? whee! a baby, and bolt is just a young'un too. just like those women on tv who have no idea they are preggers!
    clear vision and choppers... you're doing well

  9. Not a bulge, but a baby! That's a fun surprise! Your glasses look really nice on you, and those purple irises are lovely!

  10. Well, Sally, that's a fine kettle of fish! A baby piggy! Glad to hear mama and baby are doing well. Will you give it a name?

  11. Such a pretty sage bouquet! I only seem to be able to grow basil.How interesting to have a baby piggie!

  12. Great likes! Love your flowers! I was just at the dentist yesterday and yes, it feels great to have clean teeth! Have a safe and happy weekend!

  13. The baby is just adorable! So tiny! It's wonderful to have your teeth cleaned after this pandemic, isn't it??!! I love your glasses. They look great!

  14. OMG poor Bolt, you thinking she was bloated, while she was in labor. LOL How fun to have a baby. Is Bolt a good mama? Your story about weed whacking the sage reminds me of Jeff. LOL Love your glasses.


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