
Thursday, May 6, 2021

I Like Thursday: Sewing and Stuff

I have several blog posts lined up but no time to write!  I have a bunch of appointments next week, so I'm not catching up any time soon!  

I'm whipping together some shopping bags for this month's OMG.  First one done last night.  I didn't want a bottom seam, so the fruit is upright on one side and upside-down on the other.  It's really not that noticeable - so I plan to keep doing this with the others.  I think I can get four bags from this fabric. 

I'm hoping to get them done by the weekend so I can get back to the Icy Waters quilt.  I'm still quibbling about what order to sew together the fabric.  I need to focus on getting a few more blocks together.

I've been enjoying Chocolate and his goofiness.  No word about an adopter yet, so we've had him another week!  He's finally getting the hang of the household and making demands!  I have more videos to edit when I get a chance.   He gets lap time every day and is part of our evening entertainment.

I patched a pair of pants with leftover circles I had done for the Project Quilting 12.2 challenge.  Looks kind of silly, but as you can guess, the rip was quite large.  These jeans are still not fit for public outings, but this will give them a bit more life for kicking around the house.  They're so comfortable!

Another entertaining video this week:  Ray Bolger (Wizard of Oz's Scarecrow) tap dancing.

Flowers are blooming, trees are leafing.  It's May?!  How lovely! 

Stop by and check out the other I Like Thursday posts at Not Afraid of Color.


  1. Which shopping bag pattern were you using? I like using my own bags, I made mine out of the plastic feed sacks, but then Shannon uses dog food bags which are similar for planting so they get used that way too. Oh Chocolate is so very cute. I like your patch, and totally understand. I have pants that I did not want to get rid of because they were comfortable, fit....but now I need to move to smaller sizes.

  2. I think the jeans are improved by the circles! And fun to see that wee chocolate loaf in motion.

  3. oh and I used to tap dance...I studied it for about 4 years along with ballet. fun to see Ray Bolger and see why they had him for the part in oz... some same motions.

  4. Your jeans are cute, as is Chocolate! Looks like a great shopping bag - I should make some of those.

  5. I love those circles! Your jeans are worthy to be seen out and about. They are fun and quirky! Love that fabric on the bag. Chocolate is so sweet.

  6. I smiled at the circles; definitely a fun addition to your jeans and makes them wearable a while longer.
    I enjoyed seeing/hearing Chocolate have fun by himself in his cage at night. Yes, it seems a shame he doesn't have a partner in crime -hopefully he will get his home soon.

  7. So clever to sew the circles to your jeans. Chocolate looks very cute! Those shopping bags are so practical. I need to make some.

  8. Great pants fix especially since you used circles that were already to go.


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