
Sunday, June 20, 2021

Piggy Poses


The Dakin Shelter wished to have some good photos of Lancelot and Buckaroo Banzai - so I had a quick photo shoot.  I had hoped for a bit more noses in the air or some cute photos of chomping parsley, but they were a little freaked over the entire thing.  

They're still awfully cute, though!

Thursday morning was cage cleaning day.  The girls enjoyed their floor time.  Bolt was the first to break away from the others to check out what I was doing.  Browny soon followed.  They both spent some time inspecting the upper levels of the cage on the floor.  What are they doing on the floor?  And why are they stacked on each other?  It was fun to climb over and under the pieces.

Then Bolt disappeared.  It took me a little while to find her buried in the clean bedding I had stacked off to one side.  Get out of there Bolt!

Cleaning the cages can be so distracting; I really enjoy watching what they get up to.  I take the time to play with them if they're interested in what I'm doing with the cage parts and bedding. 

Bear tends to keep to herself through the whole process.  But she was happy enough to check out the cleaned cage.  I have a soft spot for this pig.  She totally has me at her beck and call.  I don't know how she did it, but she gets treats handed to her while I make the other two work for it.  She's such a wuzz (I think part of her trick is she reminds me of Mabel).

Whew!  Cage cleaning day is such a workout!


  1. I never knew much about guinea pigs until I found your blog, and they are so interesting! Sounds like they can be very curious little explorers.

  2. Bolt: "I'm the first! I'm the first on the clean stuff it's all mine!"
    bear does remind me of mabel.... the babies are so sweet and clinging to each other. Scared of life.

  3. They are so cute! I love seeing pictures of your guinea pigs!

  4. I enjoy reading and seeing what your guinea pigs are up to. Yes, all very cute.

  5. Sally - like Little Penguin Quilts, I am so happy that I found your blog so that I can have "vicarious" pet piggies! I think all of them would have me wrapped around their little paws!!!


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