
Thursday, June 17, 2021

I Like Thursday: Blooms, Bonding Boars

My Christmas cactus is confused, but it is quite pretty!  My neighbor's Christmas cactus is blooming, too.  So there's confusion all around.

I caught up with a friend on Sunday I haven't seen since... January 2020?  Maybe even longer than that.  We'd tried unsuccessfully to meet on Memorial Day, so I'm glad it worked out this time.

The peonies are really pretty this year.  The rain is making the garden happy (I don't think I got this many flowers last year). 

Turns out we have do have little bunnies around this year.  We'd seen them elsewhere in the neighborhood, but two appeared in our yard last week.

There's always something interesting to see - bunny rabbits, chipmunks, the occasional porcupine and the local floating head has swapped its face mask for a guitar.

The boys are bonding!  Have you seen their latest goofiness?  Introducing the Boys

I can do basic juggling - nothing like this gal.  Not only is she talented, the perspective of this is mesmerizing:  Juggling from above

Some good stuff.  I'm off to check out the other good stuff at Not Afraid of Color's I Like Thursday.


  1. Great likes! Glad to see the boys are getting along! Have a great weekend!

  2. yea for making friends! Cactus blooming now??
    are they actually tropical plants that bloom all year? seems I read once they react to light and shade

  3. Oh, just look at those sweet boys peeking out; so, so sweet. Interesting things abound in your neighbourhood.

  4. You do find interesting things in your neighborhood! The juggling from above is fascinating. Hope your boys are still getting along!

  5. It seems to be the year of the rabbits...we have loads here and I've now spotted two in driveways on the street. Are they like the cicadas? :) Meanwhile how nice those little ones enjoy their time together.

  6. The heat and crazy storms sure are helping with some flowers. I have ditch lillies this year and they are already blooming. Wow the juggling is amazing. The floating head....things that make you go hmmmm.

  7. Bunnies & flowers! Sweet post! Have a great week!

  8. You live in such a nice area! So much wildlife and beautiful flowers. You have such a fun neighborhood!


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